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- The Stork -

"You have been misinformed" She croaked. "I'm not used to being in a vessel, as you know it's been awhile. But I was not cast out. I believed I would wake to the world covered in disease, famine, war and death. However despite my confinement I still talked to the cherubs, Cupid was most informative" She explained. "They called me the Stork on earth, I was the one that brought life back in graveyard road. It is my soul purpose to bring life back, for innocence to be returned. I specialised with women and children- bringing babies into the world. With men I made sure their harvest was bountiful. I was responsible for every good birth on this planet."

"If that's your job, then I'm afraid to tell you that your behind schedule-just a tad" Crowley raised his glass to his lips. "Well to be perfectly honest I'm a tad disappointed, here I was expecting the great Persephone to be at-least entertaining- here I am having to make sure you don't fall on your face" He laughed to himself. Her eyes raised up as she felt strength in her legs finally. She straightened her spine and stood tall.

"You know, I remember when I first sent a baby to the womb. How I placed every feature on its face. But the most significant birth to me, was the first time I saw this baby Giraffe." She shook her head, taking a step closer to Crowley. "It fell about six feet and hit the ground. It's all legs and arms, I thought 'nothing can survive a thing like that, after spending so much time in a protected place' ants were crawling all over, baking heat and nothing but her own will to get her up. Then I saw it, these big eyes raised up and stared right at me. Blinking and without hesitation she stood up. Minutes after birth, stood on its legs, fed itself and ran all over those ants. She grew up to be this magnificent creature, tallest amongst the herd." She looked Crowley in the eye.

"Something tells me there's a metaphor in there somewhere" His lips twitched up as he leaned his arm on the bar.

"Did you honestly think this one through? " She asked him, tilting her head. "If I'm perfectly honest, I have to say, I'm a little disappointed"

"Oh you won't be" He said threateningly raising his hand. But she glued her eyes to him, as her irises glowed. "Don't forget your all out of mojo"

"And even then I could take on you" She spoke gravely, chin low down- eyes glowing with so much power that you could almost hear it.

The sound of howls from his hounds descend into earshot.

"Even your hounds don't scare me" Her eyes made him squirm, they pulled his guilt, his fear, his jealously, his anger all to the surface. It sickened him, but her eyes never wavered.

"Persephone" A voice wrung in her ears. Making her loose eye contact with Crowley. When she turned to voice, the King Of The Crossroads fell to his knees gasping for air, like he'd been strung from a tree and cut down in time. Sweat pumped out of him, feelings burning easy like gasoline inside his head.



"What's going on here?" Dean spoke first as the room came to a halt. The angel found himself staring at her, her green eyes like drug to his curiosity.

"I was just leaving" She replied, clearing her throat. "He got what he wanted" Crowley stood himself up and glared at her.

"I have every right to rip you limb from limb!" He cried out.

"And what's right is that?" She turned and looked at him again. His mouth opened and closed.

"Looks like the warm has teeth" Dean said, walking over to the bar and grabbed a bottle from the wall.

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