CHAPTER 23: TV pe breaking news...

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[NOTE: Mature content in the chapter, please skip if you're underage or don't like to read. Also the mature scene reference is taken from few other mature fictions ARSHI and NON-ARSHI Fictions whose name at the moment I can't remember but if you find similarities with something that you read then most likely I read them too at some point and used them as reference for writing my scene. So, original credit goes to those authors whose writing I used as reference for penning down my scene, thank you and enjoy the chapter.]


The dawn was just starting to break as the darkness of the night just starting to fade but the morning light hasn't arrived completely yet, the newly married couple slept in each other's arms with sweet smile were disturbed by the annoying beeping of the alarm set on mobile. Annoyed and half-asleep Akash shut off the alarm, going back to snuggle his wife and ready to be lost in his sweet dream but again another snoozer alarm rang loudly. Payal murmurs half asleep: "Akash shut your damn alarms or else Amma and Buaji will wake up with all this noise." annoyed as the alarm was turned off, she turned other side to sleep again.

He switched the alarm but as her words registered his mind about Amma and Buaji waking up made him shot up to sit straight while all his sleep gone now and jerking Payal too who opened her eyes to give him an irritated look. But he spoke first before she could say anything: "Shit! Payal I need to leave for Shantivan before anyone knows I am here... God what am I doing instead of get going already...?" mumbling to himself as he panicked and quickly got down the bed to his overnight bag, changing his cloths.

She blinked confused at him in her half-asleep state but slowly it dawned on her as she watched her husband run around panicking as he got ready. She sat up yawning, said: "Akash slow down, if you make so much noise than you will definitely wake someone up and why are you getting so worked up...? Even if anyone saw you, nothing will happen as we are married now." blinking the sleep off her eyes, yesterday night he had given her a pleasant surprise by coming to Gupta House and she didn't want him to leave just yet, "Why don't you stay and spend the day here...? We'll go home together at evening, Amma and Buaji will also love seeing you here." as this will give her some more uninterrupted time with him.

Akash slowed down and took deep breath at her warning and started to change more sedately which meant less noise, as he got ready though her words made him pause midway of pulling his shirt on. Then a moment later he went to redress and replied: "I know we are married now; no one will say anything when they see us together and I would love to stay Payal but you know if Maate comes to know about this than what will happen. Anyways she is always hovering upon us, I don't want to give her more reasons to be agitated then she already is... so for now I'll just go with Bhai's plan which is better for us all." as removed his PJs and picked up the black track-pants.

Payal signed knowing he was right as if her saas got any more irritated than she will all that out on her, so didn't try to convince him instead asked: "What did Arnavji talk to you last night that made you come here...? I didn't ask you earlier in the excitement of seeing you." curious now that she got reminded of it.

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