Chapter Seven: Of course Things Could get Worse

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I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I answered immediately.

"Yeah," I heard Roger's voice on the other side, "are you done yet?"

"Just about."

"I'll wait outside."

I breathed in and out deeply and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I looked better than I first came in. Why didn't any of them tell me my mascara was smudged and my bra was peeping out? I might as well be a walking zombie.

Freddie let me use some makeup. He left some out on Roger's bathroom counter. But I didn't put any on because I felt a bit strange for doing so. Now, I am still wearing my beautiful red strapless dress. Using Roger's hairbrush, I brushed my hair back in a ponytail. I walked out, then got confused by Roger's reaction. His eyes became very wide and his mouth dropped open a little.

"What?" I asked slowly.

"Oh, nothing, just spacing off." He stuttered.


"We will get in Brian's car and get going."

The next few hours felt like a blur. Flashes of people went through my mind, foreign places surrounded me. I felt dizzy. Finally, we reached the place where the gig was being held.

The dressing room was the perfect example of the word: selcouth. Along with the band, there was still a handful of people gathered around them. It's amazing how they are not very popular yet, but still, get plenty of limelight.

While the members were getting dressed, I stood outside with a person next to me guiding the entrance to the dressing room.

"I'd never seen you around before," the man told me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

"Are you a groupie or something?"

"No!" I blurted, turning beet red.

He nodded and asked next,

"Girlfriend of one of them?"

"I wish", I chuckled to myself. He gave me a half-smile.

"So, just friends?"

I guess he could say that.


Before the man could say anything more, Roger came out to get me. I was so relieved, I loathe small talk.

He was wearing an open jacket with no shirt. I was mentally swooned by the sexiness of his exposed upper body.

I knew this was going to be the best experience of my young life! The band members got me in free to their gig and then got to be in the front row. Which I thought was too much for them to do for me but I didn't want to be rude.

"I hope you enjoy the show, my dear," Freddie called to me while smoothing down his tight outfit before getting on stage.

I left backstage to head up to the front row before it got too busy. Roger quickly told me before I left that he would pick me up to bring me back to his place after the show.

I felt the adrenaline rushing through me. The lights dimmed and the show began.

First I saw Freddie walking on up to the stage, looking glamorous! He introduced himself and the band to the people.

Brian, with his mop of curly brown hair, smiled warmly at the crowd, ready to perform.

Next, I caught my eyes on Deaky, he looked so adorable, showing off his shy lip smile and fluffing his long wavy brown hair.

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