SecondFLight: The Golden Maknae

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"Ah hyung! Stop teasing me already." I beg my hyungs as they keep teasing me about all this ship that I got involved with.

I love my members with all my heart.

But them teasing me nonstop is really getting into my nerves lately.

I know they were just being playful, but hey, a man needs some peace of mind sometimes don't I?

" Yah JK, you really are something. Howcome you have a girlfriend and you never told us?" RM hyung told me with all the mischief in his face.

They know I don't have a girlfriend, but they keep teasing me about it.

"Who got girlfriend?" Jin hyung asked popping his head out of the kitchen.

Believe me when I say Jin hyung is actually the one who got no jam.

He is so naive you can sell him in a bargain without him knowing.

"JK. He is trending again because of his girlfriends. Yes, it's with an S because there's too many. I lost count already." V hyung answered while on his phone.

I think he's shopping online again. This guy is a walking closet.

"Come on V, we know he is loyal to his dancing queen." Jimin hyung said throwing his self beside V.

This little pepper really.

Jungkook is not blind about the shipping going on between him and Lisa.

He even spent an hour watching some video clips of their fan edits and honestly, it amazes him how creative and wild the fans imaginations can get.

At some point, he wishes to meet the blonde himself.

He don't know why though, maybe out of curiosity.

Not that he didn't know about the Black pinks maknae existence, he's more like eager to meet her personally.

Shake her hand and have a little chat perhaps that is.

He admit, of all the idols that is being ship with him, it's the certain blonde that catches his attention.

Plus the mare fact that LIZKOOK is too popular for his liking.

He don't hate the shipping.

He actually unknowingly like it as everytime he watched some video clips, a small smile always cracked on his face.

There's something he can't figure out yet, and he himself is dying to know what it is.

Now the shipping thing.

OH how it's driving him crazy.

The superior ship itself is overwhelming for him but them nominated as the best couple in some magazines in Mexico is just mind blowing.

It makes him more eager to personally meet Lisa.

Bummer! Now he will not be able to sleep as he knows his self too well.

For sure, he will spend the rest of the night watching video clips of their ship.

Sometimes he wonder if Lisa watch it too.

" I gotta have to find ways how to talk with you blonde' or I'll go nuts" he told himself while smiling.

It's no joke. He think his curiosity is making him fall to Lisa without even the girl trying.

Out of all the girls being ship with him, he could say Lisa catches his attention.

Like who doesn't? The girl is a bomb. Screaming with Swag mixed with being sexy and innocent rolled into one.

No wonder half of his 97 liners friend admire the blonde as he himself can't help but to adore Lisa.

Now he's in trouble. He think.

While browsing internet, he ends up to this short video.

A compilation of Lisa's fan boys.

Like for crying out loud, this video does exist.

So with no second thought, he open the clip and start watching it with anticipation.

He will not be surprised if his name will be in it as for no doubt, he is a fan.

Now that's quite amazing. Heck he didn't know how popular Lisa to Boys.

He knows that the blondes beauty can launch a thousand ship, but catching boys attention from all over the world is something big. And he's not liking it. Not a single thing of it. The idea of boys from all over the world admiring Lisa is making him uncomfortable.

He don't know, but he feel very protective of her.

" I need some help. I have to talk to her. I have to. God this is crazy!" yeah, he feel crazy talking to himself acting so lost.

He thinks that he have the right to act the way he's acting now and it's scaring the he'll out of him.

He never been attracted to any famale idol before, well except to IU whom he idolized so much. I mean everyone knows that.

But Lisa. God she's driving him crazy and act like a total psycho.

And he don't like it. Because he knows that he doesn't have the right.

But he made up his mind. He will befriend the blonde in any possible way and no one's stopping him. Not even her million of fan boys.

To hell with them.

Both of their team is extremely busy and the situation is not helping at all.

He doesn't even have a solid plan yet.

If only there's someone who can help him. Someone that is close to the both of them. That would be very great.

He wanted to ask his V hyung since V had made a friendship to Jisso when they both appeared as an MC to inkigayo.

But he remembers how his hyung fancy Lisa as well. He can't forget how crazy V sang along with BLACKPINK during award shows and how he's so open about admiring the charisma of the blonde.

So nah..he will not risk his chance. Not to his V hyung.

The guy is like a walking Adonis on earth.

It's to risky and too dangerous to compete to his v hyung.

" There's gotta be someone." convincing his self while browsing continously to YouTube.

Until a certain clip catches his attention.

" Damn you Bambam! Man I never felt so lucky being your friend until today." with a full grin on his face, he called Bambam with no further ado.

Now he's confidence is over the sky since he knows Bambam and Lisa are childhood best of friends.

He could kiss Bambam for that.

He swear he will buy anything for Bambam in exchange of hooking him up to Lisa.

Right. Hooking sounds not so good. Scratch that term. Let's settled to if Bambam will help him introduce to Lisa.

" Yo man, wanna grab some coffee?"

.. and a beautiful scene just magically pop out of his imagination. Him and Lisa. Talking and laughing together.

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