First Meeting (Redone)

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Note: Since this chapter has only 499 words excluding these ones, I will add more to it. 


After landing...the group all got off and watched as the air ship took off and left them there. When it finally left...the group came together to talk about a plan unaware that they were spied on by the small group sent by Jaune. They didn't look like much to them since there were far stronger people in their town either by brawn or by smarts. Though some may cause trouble sometimes, but that's an everyday part of life for them.

"Huh...So these are the intruders that your mother detected...6 teenage girls, one teenage boy, an alcoholic and a woman." Helga Said. The group made a face about the alcoholic since some of the earlier cartoons can't hold down a drink so well...especially Jerry who gets drunk after drinking a tiny amount of alcohol. Though it doesn't stop him from stopping Tom from his antics.

"It looks like it, but we can't let our guards down since we don't know what they are capable of." Kim Said. 

"Which begs the question...Who are they and what are they doing here?" Helen Said. Those questions were also in the minds of the other members who stared at the group with some intrigue. Though that quickly went away once they saw the white haired girl snap at the girl with black hair with red tips.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that we bring them to Jaune and discover who they are and why they are here." Shego said. 

"You're just saying that so you can get back to Jaune." Violet Said.

"Aren't we all?" Shego said causing the others to blush thinking about their boyfriend/husband. Since..he treated them like they were more than eye candy. He even takes the time to listen to everything that happened to them and takes care of them. Shaking their heads..the group finally composed themselves and looked at the guests. 

"Okay. I've had enough of this." Shego said. It has gotten boring just seeing the group arguing with each other instead of searching around the island. Plus they were seriously keeping them away from their lover. 

"Normally I'll try to argue with you, but for once I have to agree. Some of them are a little older than me and they act like children." Kim said. 

"Sigh..I'm fairly disappointed in them. I could see that they're some kind of trainees for something yet they're spending their time arguing and goofing off." Helga said.

"I agree. However before we try to fight...let's try to use the civil approach." Helen said. Making Shego groan before she followed Helen and the others to meet their new arrivals. 


The group was startled by the sound of bushes rustling and started to grab their weapons only to come face to face with three adults and two teenagers. They were pretty, but each looked strange almost like they came from a TV or something.

"Who are you?" Yang asked. 

"I'm Helen Parr Arc. And we came to talk to you about why you're close to our town." Helen said. The group froze once they heard her name since she had the same last name as their missing "friend" who they drove away. 

"Wait..Arc? Like Jaune Arc?" Pyrrha asked. The group looked at each other with surprised look on their faces. Almost like they didn't know that they knew who Jaune was, but eventually Helen spoke again.

"Yes. He's our husband." Helen said.

"And our boyfriend." Another girl said. Qrow was almost impressed that the Arc boy managed to get married and had girlfriends at the same time. Though he could tell that Glynda took some issue with it since she gripped her whip tightly.

" actually married to that dolt while the two of you are dating him?" Weiss said causing the group to glare at her. That was clearly the wrong thing to say since the girls clearly loved him so much, but before Glynda could should Weiss...Helen spoke again with her hands on her hips.

"We don't appreciate calling our husband/boyfriend names and to answer your question...Yes. We do know Jaune..He's at the house with the others." Helen said.

"Can you take us to him?" Ren asked. The group started to speak about it among themselves while the teams looked on with hope on their faces. This could be the chance to find Jaune, get him home and possibly get another chance for friendship. 

"First..answer our question? Why are you guys here?" Helen asked.

"We came to investigate why your town showed up on this deserted island." Glynda said.

"That sounds understandable...and my mom is trying to figure out how our town turned up here." Kim said. 

"Sigh...follow us...We'll take your to our town, but make no mistake if any of you hurt any of'll be kicked out faster than Shego's fire blasts." Kim said causing Shego to smirk before her hands started to glow. The group slowly followed them and were ready to meet Jaune...

Unaware that he wanted nothing to do with them after what they've done. So off they went to the town where they would meet some cartoons that would make them ask:

What have we gotten into?

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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