Trouble Makers

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After leaving Candace and her friends behind, the teams couldn't wrap their heads around the randomness of the town. To be honest, they expected the toons to be wild and dangerous, but most of the people that they meet seem very tame. 

"So far..most of the people we met seem very tame to what I was imagining." Ruby said.

"Yeah. I thought that most would be destructive and silly." Weiss said.

"Don't let appearances fool you. Some cartoons are like that...while others are more serious." Kim said before she started to groan as she spotted three of the infamous residents of the town.

"What is it?" Pyrrha asked.

"You're about to meet three of the ones who cause the most chaos." Kim said as the residents stopped right before the group and smiled.

"Hi Kim!" The one with the sunflower said as the group tried to make sense of what they're seeing. 

"Hi Dot. What are you three doing out of your tower?" Kim asked.

"We got bored and wanted to seek some adventure." Dot said. 

"Yeah. Plus we're also looking for some food to eat." The one with the red baseball cap said.

"You always want something to eat Wakko." The tallest one said with a deadpanned expression on his face.

"Anyway..Do you guys want to introduce yourselves to our guests." Kim said as the three noticed the unknown people behind her.

"Well...I'm Yakko Warner and these are my siblings Wakko and Dot." Yakko said.

"And you live in a tower?" Yang asked.

"Yep. Only if we get caught though." Wakko said.

"That's so cool." Nora said. 

"It is. Especially if you see our adventures in the old and modern days." Dot said which caused the group to become confused before Shego clarified what they meant.

"Their show was brought back after five seasons of TV in the 1990s and a movie. Now they only show on Hulu." Shego said.

"We still don't get it." Ren said before Violet sighed.

"We don't have time for this. We have to keep going. Now stay out of trouble you three." Violet said as the trio nodded and started to run towards another direction.

"You know that they will cause trouble right?" Kim said.

"Yep. But it wouldn't hurt to say it." Violet said as the group started to walk away and bump into another group of cartoons.


1. They were apart of the Adult Swim line up.

2. They are brothers.

3. One is a terrorist

Bonus Clue: They are from a show that is full of African American cast members 

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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