The Boy with the Gems

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I don't own the picture. (This is also one of my favorite shows on Cartoon Network...I watched a lot of the shows on there which included the Annoying Orange series that was on there.)

After the interesting encounter with the Eddsworld boys and girls, The group continued to look around the city. It wasn't trouble free especially once they passed a local diner that served an endless supply of pancakes. Just as they were about to enter another section, a boy along with three females rushed into them.

"Hello Kim!" The boy exclaimed.

"Hi, Steven. Out to fight another corrupted Gem?" Kim asked.

"Actually Steven heard about some visitors and wanted to meet them." The female with a pearl on her head replied.

"Steven basically begged us to come as well." Another female said with a gem on her chest.

"Amethyst, be nice. Steven just wants to make some new friends." The last one said with two gems on her hand. 

"Guess the news traveled fast?" Kim mused.

"Yep. I heard it from Meg when she was going to work and I wanted to meet them." Steven said.

"Just be careful Steven, you don't know whether or not they are allies or foes." The first woman said.

"I'm always careful Pearl. Besides you know that I can handle myself." Steven said which caused the females to look at him.

"I can mostly handle myself." Steven said.

"Uh huh. Anyway, this is Steven Universe and with him are Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst. They are members of a group called the Crystal Gems." Kim said.

"The Crystal Gems?" Weiss asked.

"We fight for human kind and take on corrupted Gems. Some have managed to turn a new leaf while others still cause problems." Pearl said.

"They're still adjusting due to the war that has been going on for centuries. By the way, didn't you make plans to hang out with Connie?" Garnet said.

"How did I forget? It's nice meeting you all, but I have to see my best friend." Steven said before running off while the gems sighed and followed him.

"That was interesting." Pyrrha said.

"It becomes more interesting once you know their full backstory, but since we have some limited time before someone else comes may be best that we tell it another time." Shego said.

"What makes you think that we're going to bump into someone else again?" Yang asked.

"It has already happened so many times already, but as long as we don't run into someone that causes extreme amounts of damage...everything should be okay." Violet said. Her answer made everyone in the group nervous. Surely no one would cause lots of damage on their adventure, right?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋


1. This was also a show on Cartoon Network

2. It has a lot of princesses involved 

3. The lead character lost his arm

4. It involves fighting and a dog 

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