chapter 3

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Harry looked forward to going to this magical school in Scotland , the promised wonders he would face making him unable to sleep.  he hadn't been a god for more than 6 years and even then spent most of his time sleeping so he was in human terms still a kid.

Although even if he could sleep he wouldn't , try as he might he couldn't forget the screams , faces crying for help and him . Every night he would dream of faceless figures begging and screaming why he had left them to die. Harry was powerful for what he was but it was just that. He couldn't measure to those who had been alive before earth itself. It wasn't a fight harry could take so he had fled haunted by his own powerlessness. Doomed to forever be haunted.

Yet when he closed his eyes , he fell asleep in seconds the land of dreams taking him along with many others.

Harry awoke to the familiar thumping of Dudley running down the stairs , how he could even run with all the fat dragging him down was a wonder to harry. Thankfully he left harry alone today as he was going to Hogwarts. Blinking back the drowsiness harry moved to change into his better clothes , after all today was the day

He was going to Hogwarts!

Excitedly he rushed to the bathroom and changed trying not to look in the mirror , his reflection even to himself scared him. His face was so gaunt and bones stuck out everywhere his only redeeming feature were his eyes that seemed like they could 'suck the soul out of someone' as Mrs figg had told him one day.

"Eyes were the windows to the soul were they not ? Yours tell me you can achieve it" His mentor had said when he had given his godsend to harry. He still couldn't remember any features or other memories and yet the heartbreak he felt when he recalled his mentor always stumped him.

Finished putting on his clothes he raced towards the front door and came face to face with a professor called Severus Snape who promptly apparated them to Hogwarts after a few mocking words which dampned Harry's spirit a bit but it was revived after seeing the beautiful scene infront of him. Tendrils of magic flew from everywhere to make up a barrier and in the dead centre he saw the tallest building and most intricate building he had seen in a while. It beckoned to him , to let himself get lost in the glorious magic

Hogwarts magic.

A cough brought him back but his eyes were still fixated on the beautiful scene almost refusing to move away and as snape pushed him in a line with other students , the only thing he could wonder was what Hogwarts had in store for him.

As the scene infront of him stole his breath away and refused to give it back leaving him gobsmacked , his whole body yearning to let his magic join with the powerful magic infront of him. As Hogwarts wasn't just a building it was magic.

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