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Eight-year-old John Lennon playing outside with his toy truck and action figures was an adorable sight to see. His aunt Mimi was watching him from afar as he played in the sandbox at the park. A magazine kept her occupied for the most part, as she would take little peeks at John through her tinted sunglasses. Mimi would smile when she would see John speak to himself as he held the action figures in his hands, creating an action-packed movie scene for himself.

Minutes later, a young girl caught Mimi's attention. From the looks of it, she seemed just about John's age and was an adorable little girl. Mimi looked around for a parent or someone who could be her guardian. An assumption that, hopefully, the little girl's mom or dad was doing something else close by. However, the little girl went up to John, immediately talking to him as if he weren't a stranger at all. Mimi smiled warmly, feeling her heart flutter as the scene looked all too adorable.

"What's that?" The young girl asked John.

His talking stopped abruptly when he looked up to see a girl maybe around his age. Pigtails were tied up to each side of her head, with light fringe coming over her forehead, wearing a light blue dress. John had never really spoken to a girl before. He wasn't interested in them and didn't think he would ever be.

"What d'ya think? It's a toy truck."

The little girl rolled her eyes in annoyance upon hearing John's attitude in his voice.

"Not that, silly. There, on your shirt, what is that?"

John, being truly gullible, looked down at his shirt to find nothing there, but before he realized it, the little girl quickly dragged her pointer finger up from that spot all the way to the top of his forehead.

"Hey! What's that about? Not funny, blue."

The little girl laughed from her tricky scheme but then wrinkled her nose from what he called her.

"Who are you calling blue?"

"Ya got a blue dress, don't you? Or did your mom actually give the time of day to name ya?"

"Elaine," she replied scoffing. "That's my name. What's yours, then, hm?"


It was silent for a minute before Elaine spoke up.

"Can I play with one of your action figures? Me mum only ever buys me dolls. I get sick of those... each of them is ugly as shit."

John withheld a grin. "My Aunt Mimi says it's bad to curse like that."

"Maybe it is, but I don't care, really. It's my mouth, I think I can say what I want."

John finally let out the smile he was holding back. "Here, you can have this one. His name is Joe, and he's trying to get his truck back that Buck stole," John explained, pointing at each of his action figures.

Elaine nodded, fully interested in the made-up plot John created. "Well, here, give me Buck instead." John listened and handed her Buck. A funny idea lit up in Elaine's mind, making her stuff Buck in the truck.

"What are ya doing?"

"Joe can't have his truck back unless he catches Buck who... looks like is inside the truck," Elaine said, a smirk rising on her lips.

"Yeah, so?"

"You're gonna have to catch Buck here, because I'm going to run away." Before John knew it, Elaine was up on her feet running away from him, laughing as she did so.

"Hey, get back here!" As upset as John was, contagious laughter consumed him as he chased Elaine. This had to be the most fun he had in a while playing with someone, John thought as he ran, trying to catch up with Elaine.

Mimi laughed lightly as she saw the two running around together, smiling as they chased each other. Something deep down inside of Mimi provoked her to think that those two would become very close friends. The thought made her happy especially knowing how alone John must've felt three years after his mom had left him, as well as his dad. Maybe this would be a turning point in John's life.

As you read this, keep in mind that John is growing up with a girl best friend at a very early age, and so on.. :)

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