g o i n g t h r o u g h h e l l

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my favorite song right now that helps me get through everything is " if you're going through hell (before the devil even knows)".

it's about going through a bunch of bad stuff, and feeling like you're going through hell. it says to keep on going, don't slow down. you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.

i think that this is true. if you're ever having trouble, keep going. even though it might be hard.

later on in the song, it says there's angels everywhere out on the street, holding out a hand to pull you back upon your feet. so it acknowledges the fact that you're going through something is hard, but you're always going to get back on your feet again.

remember, if something bad is happening, that's just one bad thing. that's just one problem. in the whole life you're going to have, that one problem isn't going to be so significant in the end.

even though it might seem bad now, it will get better.

if anyone ever wants to talk, i'm always here for you!

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