s o n g & t a g s

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hey guys! please read till the end, especially if you were brought here from a tag!!

today, i was listening to the song "swing" by trace adkins, and realized the one lyric is actually pretty motivational!

"everybody strikes out nine times, out of ten.

but you gotta step up to the plate soon, cause every now and then."

-trace adkins

it's true. if you never try, you'll never get the chance to win or do anything good for yourself.

you always have to try, even if you don't succeed in the end. if you don't try, there is no chance that you'll ever succeed! so try for yourself, for someone you love, or even for your future kids/spouse or your future pets or anything. just try.

you don't have to do this, but i want to give some shoutouts and you guys should really check them/their books out! also, if i don't know their choice of pronouns, i will just use their/them/they're. thank you-

bts related authors :
(i love all of these authors and their books dearly, please be nice to them)

sadlyjiminn. - hello, their books are awesome and so well written I can't-   also they're such a good, humble person!!

joonthetic. - honestly one of my favorite authors on this app. i swear if you like bts read her books because chloe is also soo nice too!!

bbyvarsha. - honestly her books are super descriptive and i love reading them!! also she's a very nice person, and i just can't get over how descriptive your books are-  also has the account bbyyeonjun

ugh can i just be a good author like everyone here for once?

KIMSEOKJINLIFE. -hello follow her please and thank you. she is such a nice person, and cares about everyone and her books are great with great plotlines and I could go on for a while about how AWESOME she is go follow her please. she really deserves all of the follows and cotes and views she gets, her books are amazing and she is a man amazing, caring person!!

yoongiflo. - hello, again this is a very good author who cares about people a lot and just ugh read their books already

sujinniie. - i love the books this author writes. like, they're super good and the author is just an amazing person too go and check them out

mocji-  - okay your imagines book is super super good. like what?? i also assume you're a great person, but i don't know you hut you seem awesome too!!

kootaetic.  - hello? the aesthetic? oh my it is awesome and your books are great and you seem like an awesome person!

jolielollie. -hello, this is an awesome person who writes amazing books! they're nice, i swear! and so caring and respectful, go look at their books!

-minserendipity. -their books are amazing, and they're so humble about everything ugh, i aspire to be like this. go look at their account!

Whipped_For_Namjoon. -aah, they're an amazing author and I love their aesthetic!! they're really nice too!!

& many more, but these were the ones on the top of my head!

other writers :

(again, i absolutely loves these people and their stories too so no hate, please)

laceylovexoxo_2. -  i actually know her, and she is an awesome person with an amazing personality!

RnoomaAdil. -she's super, super nice and motivational. also a great friend

-oceanmist-  - always trying to help people, especially with their newest book, and hosted wattpad prom!!

stronggirlsclub. -their books are super helpful, and they are an awesome group!

Sparkstream. -literally I think the first person I met on this app sooo long ago, years ago-

Christina_Lotte_Daae. -hehe, she is amazing! go check her out, really. i love reading her books, and she's super optimistic!!

ah, you guys don't actually have to follow them or anything. but it would mean the world!! and no, i didn't tell anyone who was going to be called out here. this was a plit second decison, and if i asked so.eone. it was just if i could tag them here. i'm trying to spread some positivity by tagging people who make me happy with their books, them talking to me, or both!

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