m u s t d o

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hey guys! so, today i'm going to be talking about things that you should be doing [or start doing if you aren't already]. these are things that i didn't do for the longest time, but they really help to do.

1. drink more water

i know that this is something that is talked about a lot, but it's also something that needs stamped into my brain more than once. i've been hospitalized more than once for not drinking water, and i assure you it isn't something you want.

2.  pay attention to what you've been eating

also something i have experience with. i have issues with my body image, and eating goes along with that. it changes how you look, and it also changed how you feel. eat plenty of veggies, and less carbs! also, be sure to eat protein, because you need that in your diet.

3. look people in the eye

you should really so this, even if it seems awkward/weird/hard. it helps show people that you are ready to take on the world.

4. try to get 8 hours of sleep

always strive to get 8 hours of sleep each night. i would suggest sleeping either 10-6, or 11-7. that makes a whole 8 hours, and you should feel better in the morning.

try and do these things! there is a part two to come.

if you ever need to talk, i'm always here! 💜

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