The Air Inflation

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Lexi what she look like is she have helf shave red hair on the other side of her head is long curly red hair but she keep it in a ponytail, she have hot pick eyes and she very skinny. One day she was getting ready for work then she saw something so she pick it up then it went down her throat so she started to swell up with air. Her boobs got big same with her butt then her stomach then her thighs and legs then her arms and fingers last was her face.
She got full of air that her stomach was sticking out of her shirt, her boobs was stick out of her stirt, her butt was making her pants started to became tite, her thighs and legs started to rip the pants, her arms make the sleeves tite and finger got big then last her face got bigger. Her body got really big that she rip out of her shirt and pants so she is just in her underware and bra. She got even bigger that she rip out of her underware and bra she was getting so big she could not move arond at all. She fall on her big butt becuase she was off blace well because of all air was put into her but she stay on the ground so after two hours she findly stop getting air put into her and some how got close on her. She was very hug she did not how to feel about being the way that she is but she kinda does not mind it at all.

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