Balloon Test

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Trish what she look like is she have blue long curly hair but she keep it up in a ponytail, she have dark blue eyes, she got glasses on her face and she is skinny. One she was walking to home but then someone came up to her and hit her in the back of the head when she wake up she was tited to a chair then a person came out of a room.

" Who are you and why am i here " ? Trish.
" My name is Frink and your here because i want you to be here ". said Frink.
" I do not want to be here so can you just let me go " ? ask Trish.
" No because you need to do something for me then you can go ". said Frink.
" What do you need me to " ? ask Trish.
" Will just sit there and let me do something to you ". said Frink.
" What are you going to do to me " ? ask Trish.
" You will see ". said Frink.
" What do you mean i will see wh..... " . said Trish.

Then tubes was put in her mouth, privite area, butt and boobs then he pull down the leaver down then air started to go into her body she stated to get big and blowing up like a ballon
she got very big and fast she could not really move because how big she is getting so the first thing that got big is
her stomach started to get big then her boobs started to get big then her
butt started to get big then her thighs and legs started to get big then her fingers and arms started to get big and last her face start to get fat put on it then she got bigger and bigger she got so big that her stomach stuck out of her shirt then her boobs got so big that they stuck out of her shirt then her butt got so big that her pants start to get really tite then her thighs and legs got so big that her pants started to rip her pants then her finger and arms her arms got so big that her sleeves started to rip and last her face started to gain fat in her face she got she got bigger and bigger she got so big that she rip out of her shirt and pants then she got even more bigger that she rip out of her underware and
pants then she got even bigger and bigger so after two hours she stop growing.

" I am so big and fat ". said Trish.
" How does it feel to being this big " ? ask Frink.
" Not good at all ". said Trish.
" Oh will ". said Frink.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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