Smoke x F reader

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You shivered against grace who sacrificed her own body warmth to help you get yours under control, your team was on their way to a giant log cabin safehouse where you were going to be required to secure a biohazard container.

You weren't used to this type of weather and your uniform didn't help, your lower half was the only warm area, while your exposed arms were almost numb. Grace was messing on her logic bomb, with numbers and codes you would probably never understand.

Ashe looked back from the passenger seat, "last minute check, everyone's wide awake?" your team responded in a groan as it was a holiday weekend and you shouldn't even have been there. She turned around to look out the wind shield, "I'll take that as a yes, look guys I know you don't want to be here right now and you would rather be with your families, but this is also important."

Nobody responded cause as always she was right. You closed your eyes wondering who could be on the enemy team, you remembered doc was out today doing medical work in France, so they wouldn't have good ol' Gustav for a healer, but that was all you knew.

The van came to a screeching halt, Ash turned around again. "alright everyone drones ready?" You all took out your drones from the side compartments, throwing them onto the road, before closing the sliding doors. "let's see what they're up to, drones activated."

With that everyone started to virtually control their drones, yours bumped into sledges on accident earning a growl from him. You eventually made it inside, you were never good at these drones as they would always work against you but today seemed to be different.

You listened closely hearing footsteps below your drone, "downstairs." ash nodded "very good intel"

Everyone stopped in their tracks, and started moving downstairs sure enough there it was, the glowing yellow container. "there she is guy's let's get moving." everyone stepped out of the van onto the snowy concrete.

"alright you know the mission lets go." ash started to move running forward towards the cabin, you on the other hand climbed up a ladder onto an overhang, everyone was downstairs the chances of someone being upstairs was low.

"good idea y/n me, sledge, fuze and iana will push in directly, grace you take the second floor don't forget the kitchen this time." she nodded shivering at the thought of her last doom. "and y/n you take the top floor to see if anyones being sneaky, alright lets move."

You watched as they ran around to the garage door, before they were completely out of site, grace had already gone in so you made your entrance as quick as possible. You patted the breach charge down before ducking behind the house corner. "this is gonna be loud." You pressed down on the button seeing the blast emit from the window.

Nobody shot out or threw anything out, but you learned from experience that just cause nothing happened doesn't mean nobody is there. You took your phone from your pocket throwing an extra drone into the window.

Your drone circled around but you didn't detect anyone, you looked behind every crevice and on the stairs, nobody was in sight. Carefully you jumped through the window hearing the glass crack and creak under your feet. Your gun drawn ready for anyone to come and show themselves.

You started to do as Ashe told, looking around the upstairs area to make sure nobody was there ready to flank. Checking every room except one, the bathroom. You slowly moved in, feeling un easy something was wrong.

You heard gun shots from down below and a few grunts, shit.. You were so focused on your task you forgot to drop down and help your team. Grace came over the ear chip speaker, "second floor is clear im gonna give them a little call."

R6 x Reader, a collection of smuts and one shots. Where stories live. Discover now