The Sabrina Series: Sabrina Versus Villains

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After a final live streamed web show that was graced by many of Britain's best performers, Sabrina won the #LMFCC and was set to join Little Mix when they go on tour in 2014. Before that though, she gets signed to Syco Records on a 2 year contract.

She will be the 'fifth member' of Little Mix and she can invite whomever she pleases for the tour!

However, before she can do all that, she has to deal with the crazy shenanigans she left behind. Or... which followed her. There's Nolan, Chloe and Dianne.

Nolan is her ex boyfriend who will do everything to make her his, despite the fact that he broke up with her when she gave him an ultimatum.

He hadn't been in contact with her for two years straight.

Chloe Smithson, the 2nd runners up of the #LMFCC can't take the thought that Sabrina won fair and square. She will always accuse her of cheating, and will go to any lemgths to broadcast it to the whole world. Secretly, she feels bad about it and how close Sabrina and Marcus are. This makes her insecure.

Dianne, Siva's ex-girlfriend is a fire-starter. She is a manipulative little liar who does not give two hoots about anyone else's happiness.

Sabrina must struggle to avoid bullies, liars and manipulative people with the help of Tori and a few other people she can trust.


Will she put Dianne in her place?

Will she follow Tori's advice?

Will she be fearless?

Will she be able to forget Nolan?

Will her win change her?

And finally, will she trust anyone but Tori?

Find out in the 2nd instalment of The Sabrina Series: Sabrina Versus Villains.


Hi everyone. This is an author's note.

For all those who read Book 1, which was titled 'The Sabrina Series: #LMFCC' thank you so much! I know for a fact that it is not edited, but I tried and did my best when I was typing it on my phone.

I don't really think this series is to be rated 'G' because there might be some scenes that are not as sweet as Sabrina hugging Siva.

Man, Siva is so lucky to like the lovely Sabrina! Okay, that sounds... To tell you the truth though, when I write about Sabrina, and how she feels, I get jealous. Like Jick Nonas.

Got a right to be hellish
I still get jealous...!

Once again, don't take it like I am not a Zerrie or Siva + Nareesha shipper. I just think that they are perfect for the story. Plus, they are not even in the cast. Okay, I can't come up with the cast list from my phone. You get me though, yeah?

I noticed that people never really vote when they read. C'mon guys, please vote? And I kbow you read the book, because I can see you do. Just vote. It gives a writer morale.

Now, I have to go. See yah?

Happy Staring! :-)

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