. Personal Ability .

522 23 19

Of course after the test, Don challenged Norman to a game of tag. Norman had to catch all of them except for Ray, he refused to join and decided to time the match instead. And of course, since [ Y/n ] was a pushover, they joined in on the game of tag too.

' ' You sure you wanna join? I know the others want you to, but it is still your choice to make ' ' Ray muttered, walking beside them as everyone bolted outside.

' ' We-well . . . it-it would b-be good pra-actice for multiple s-skills I lack in ' ' [ Y/n ] just laughed him off, making the emo child squint his already narrow eyes.

' ' The only thing you're not good at is your ability to speak ' '

He laughed as [ Y/n ] proceeded to get flustered, elbowing him as he gave them a smug look.

' ' Why do you stutter anyway? Does it ever stop? ' ' Ray sighed, turning his attention away from the new voice to walk over to his usual spot.

Leaving [ Y/n ] behind. They turned towards the emerald-eyed girl, giving a small smile as they let Emma imitate their pace.

' ' I-I think it's just a-an anxiety thing . . . I-I've always been o-on the shy side ' ' Even to the victim of the incredible stuttering, it was quite hard to understand the reason behind the unusual habit.

Emma hummed, walking over to the big group of children. Of course grabbing onto [ Y/n ]'s hand to make sure they kept up with her.

' ' C'mon, the others are already running away! ' '

- . . . -

《 [ Y/N ]》

I ran into the direction of the other children, glancing back to see Norman watching us carefully. Emma flashed a smile at me whilst she ran further into the forest, but I decided to double back. I leapt into the tall trees, making sure to not leave any prints on the ground to give away my little plan of trickery. I looked towards the direction of Emma, wondering whether to follow her out of curiosity or continue in my direction.

' Screw it, she's probably at the fencing '

I looked towards the ground to make sure the tagger wasn't nearby, then through the forest towards the house. I could see children whining and carrying on about their own failure of getting caught, no sign of Norman though. I leapt up another branch level, for extra precaution and looked around the vicinity. I saw a blur of white, making my breath hitch.

' I'll follow him instead, he'll find her soon '

Just as I thought, he went towards the boundaries of the forest. All four of us, Ray, Norman, Emma and I were just as curious as each other, more or so Emma. I kept leaping through the thick greenery of the forest, making sure to keep up with the intelligent boy as he kept sprinting towards the direction Emma went.

' There she is, predictable as always '

I stopped on a thick branch, seeing Norman glance behind him as he smiled to himself.

' I've been spotted . . . '

Surprisingly, he kept his pursue on Emma. Making me sigh in relief, I did a 180 degree turn and decided to just wait within the captured children.

ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖 「 TPN x Reader」   -: Cancelled/Discontinued :-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें