. Assistance .

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When both Norman and Emma got no response from their alarmingly-anxious friend for a couple minutes, they found a right to panic.

' ' What's happening to [ Y/n ]!? They are never so panicked like this!!! ' ' Emma sputtered out, hugging the latter closely and laid the object of their quest on the grass.

' ' No no, I think they're having what's called a ' panic - attack ' ' ' The boy felt the need to remain level-headed, even if it meant he had to take the unhealthy approach of bottling up his real feelings of the situation.

' ' W-what?! You mean . . . that book [ Y/n ] was so intrigued with? I thought the book was exaggerating . . . ! ' ' She tried to recollect the memory of the specific page their seemingly unresponsive sibling showed to them, quite fuzzy, but information they were able to remember did eventually come.

But a bit too late to do much for their one in need, as [ Y/n ] abruptly hugged the person holding them. They were now free from whatever spell they were under and burying their face into Emma's shoulder as they voiced their request.

' ' I-I wanna get to the gate . . . ' ' They whispered, it was barely audible to the Emerald - eyed female, but luckily it was next to her ear.

Norman kneeled down to both siblings, showing a slight frown as his eyebrows were furrowed to show his deep concern. He locked his blue gaze with Emma as she seemed confused with the request, he was left thinking to himself, what was their friend's request?

' ' B-but, isn't that what caused . . . ? ' ' Emma's voice seemed to drift off as she tried to remember the name of [ Y/n ]'s concerning actions.

' Ah, that's what it was ' Norman pieced together the little sentences to conclude what he was left out on, he too was left puzzled with [ Y/n ]'s urgency to go to the place they seemed so stressed over.

' ' S-sometimes . . . i-it's re-really just be-best to face them, th-than always avoi-voiding them ' ' Both Emma and Norman had no words, what their friend said was undeniably true, but the ' what if ' questions were getting to them.

' What if they get punished more so than us? '

. . .

' What if they had another freak out? '

[ Y/n ] gave a soft smile, shakily pushing themselves onto their feet.

. . .

' What if they passed out on the way? '

. . .

Both wary thinkers looked to each other, all of them had gone too far to back up now, at least that's what the now wandering [ Y/n ] had convinced, already cautiously making their way over to their destination with Little Bernie in their arms, it seems that the stuffed bunny may help with their crippling anxiety.

. . .

' Things will be better once we get there '

. . .

Both children watched their friend visibly wobble every couple steps, but all they could think about was [ Y/n ]'s sheer determination to see Conny once more. To send her off with one last goodbye.

ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖 「 TPN x Reader」   -: Cancelled/Discontinued :-Where stories live. Discover now