. Long Faces .

453 22 18

A few of the children watched the team of 4 from afar, those said kids always seeming to envy the remarkable abilities of Emma, Norman and Ray. The only one they thought of as different, was [ Y/n ]. They saw that person gain their skill through time, through sheer determination and perseverance. It surprised all that such a timid person could hold such power, they looked up to the stuttering lord more than the trio.

' ' Those four are really something else . . . ' ' Nat sighed, admiring the latter from afar with Gilda right beside him.

He saw [ Y/n ] look in their direction and waved, honestly they all felt equal to their idols whenever that [ H/c ] haired sibling of theirs simply just looked in their direction. It gave them the confidence to try and achieve more than what they may be capable of, whether that was a good or bad thing they couldn't decide.

' ' Four geniuses of their caliber at once . . . ' ' Gilda waved back to [ Y/n ] with a grin, but made her shrink back when she saw the other three turn towards her and the maroon-headed boy. ' ' I hear it's a first in the long history of our house ' '

Honestly, it made Gilda quite upset that she wasn't looked up to as much as them, she could see the way Mother would smile more, care for them more and give them the utmost respect and attention. But she couldn't be mad, would she be able to even handle everyone's high standards? Most likely not, she'd probably break under that pressure.

' ' Ahh~ That must make Mama so happy, they're her pride and joy! ' ' Both children felt a twinge of pain in their chest, like something was squeezing them from the inside. Nat was more than accurate with his statement, even if it hurt both of them to admit it.

'' They're crazy smart and real agile at the same time! ' ' Gilda readjusted the position of her round glasses, humming in agreement with Nat as he bunched up his knuckles whilst lifting his arms, only to bring them down to the height of his chest with enthusiasm. ' ' It's real insane! ' '

' ' Agreed ' ' The green-haired girl gave out a deep breath, she wondered how he could act so . . . not jealous.

Nonetheless, she smiled. Gilda was just happy she could call those four siblings, even if they weren't tied by blood. Phil decided to give the shy female a reassuring hug, always caring for others, for once he was deciding to leave [ Y/n ] in peace.

' ' Among them is Norman, the genius with the smartest brain ever ' ' Gilda started to point out their unique, amazing traits.

Phil saw Norman give a bright smile as Emma seemed to cry in his arms, probably because of what was discussed between Emma, Ray and [ Y/n ] before the boy wandered back from the conversation with Lannion and Thoma.

Gilda's focus switched over to a certain dark-haired book-worm, Marnya taking her place between Nat and the shy girl.

' ' Then you have the only one who can keep up with said genius; Ray, the walking encyclopaedia ' '

The children couldn't agree more, humming to show their acknowledgement with a giggle as they saw the said ' encyclopaedia ' admiring some sort of butterfly with [ Y/n , completely out-of-character for him in the laughing kid's opinions.

' ' There's also Emma, the girl with monster reflexes and astounding ability to learn. She's always behind the footsteps of those two ' ' Nat burst into laughter as she addressed the orange-haired girl.

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