Chapter Two

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A blinding white light pierces my eyeballs. I can hear a bunch of funny beeps to my right, and feel the calm comfort of a duvet over my body.

Where was I?

I struggle, but manage to open my eyes further. I see tubes and wires sticking out of every inch of my body, and a cast on my leg that had already been signed by 'Dr Manning and Dr Halstead'. Looking around at my surrounding I realise I'm in the hospital.

'Hospital? Why am I...' I pitifully groan, before the events of last night come rushing back.

Jojo in the JoJoMobile, Bowbow trying to eat me, and... Isabel. I survived. What a miracle.

Upon looking around again, I notice a figure in the corner of the room. She had a bottle in one hand and was taking a sip every few seconds. Her eyes were sunken, her face only a hollow shell of what it used to be. Of course, my Mum.

'Mum...' I whisper, barely being able to speak.

She looks up from her alcholic beverage and her face drops.

'I thought you were dead!' She groaned, her words slurred.

'I guess I got lucky?'

'Well I wish you didn't!' she screamed, before running out the room.


I had no time to dwell on my mother's lack of care as another figure made their way into the cramped hospital room. It was hard to make out who the mystery person was at first, I couldn't see very well due to my eyeballs getting squished in the accident. What I could see, however, is that there was a glow, a sort of warm light radiating from their presence, making me feel loved and protected.

As their curly hair and blue eyes came into to focus, I realised who they were and my heart stops.

It is Isabel.

Once the nurse gets my heart started again I could only manage to blurt out,

'Dorime itze emoh rataparae.'

Isabel smiles sweetly and chirps,

'Good morning beautiful.'

She delicately sits on the side of the bed and places her soft hand upon mine, causing a swarm of butterflies to mingle in my stomach.

'Once you're fit and healthy, lets run away to a cottage in rural France.'

I look deep into those dazzling blue eyes.

'Yes!' I smile, close my eyes, and lean in for a kiss. A kiss from the love of my life.

I keep leaning closer and closer to the gorgeous human- but I never feel her lips.

Instead, I lean so far forward that I end up tumbling off my bed and into a painful heap on the floor. I open my eyes, desperate to find the mysterious girl, but she is nowhere to be seen.

I scream out in frustration and confusion. Am I going mad?

'Yes, yes you are.' Dr Phil says, walking in the room.

'D-d-dr Phil?' I stutter in the man's presence. 'Did you just read my mind?'

'Yes I did child. It seems the mushrooms you were put on to stop the pain have caused you to have some rather strange hallucinations. Is that correct?' he questions, with an all-knowing look on his face.

'You tell me, you're the doctor!' I shout, getting angry at the man.

'Do you want to go to the ranch young lady?'

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