Chapter Three

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16th October 2020. Two weeks after the incident with Jojo, and the day of the SM6 concert.

Over my recovery in hospital I learnt a lot about the band. One thing I discovered is that they apparently went viral on TikTok for screaming in front of a car... which seems vaguely familiar, I thought I recognised them from somewhere.

The next task at hand was deciding what to wear. After hours on end of tirelessly rummaging through my thicc wardrobe, I finally decide on wearing my blue jeans (cuffed), my favourite, black and white button-up shirt, my bright red Doc Martens and my favourite venus-sign earrings. I'll look like the biggest lesbian in the room. Perfect.

As I carefully curl my auburn hair, butterflies start to straight up vibe in my stomach. This is going to be the best night of my life so I better not mess it up, or at least Jojo had better not mess it up. After the last attack, Jojo became the most wanted criminal in the world, and the Siwanatorz are now classed as a hate group. This make me feel a little safer, but knowing her she'll have something up her sleeve. She always does. I guess I'll have to keep both eyes open, one for Jojo and one for Selener.

I decide to rollerskate to the Jones' house, as that's what all the lesbians are doing, right? I watch as the world zooms past me. Bright amber leaves dance in the air and I see families together on their porches, proudly putting out their carved pumpkins.

I really am falling in love in October.

I'm in such awe of my surroundings I barely realise I've reached the Jones' house, and stop too late.

On my rollerskates, I slide to a halt and end up stumbling into one of the siblings arms.

I look up at their face.

'Hey Hannah.' Isabel grins down at me, her sparkling eyes looking directly in mine. I feel safe in her arms, but this was just embarrassing, she barely knows me.

I feel my face turn the deepest shade of scarlet.

'Oh um hi Isabel sorry I was just- yeah.' I mumble quickly, getting up from my feet and brushing myself off.

I look back at the bassist. She was wearing a red shirt with jean-shorts and tights. She looks beautiful. My jaw drops slightly.

Isabel giggles.

'The boys and others are packing up the van, are you coming to the trë?'

I blink, confused.

'Sorry um,' she blushes (it's adorable), 'I mean do you want to come sit by the tree? I'd love to get to know you better.'


'I'd love to,' I exclaim. She leads me to a fairytale-like willowtree opposite to her driveway, surrounded by grass. The long leafy braches gave off a golden hue in the dying sunlight. Yay sunshine! It was stunning. I sit down and lean against the trunk, and to my surprise she comes and sits right next to me so our legs are touching. I feel my heartbeat accelerate.

'So Hannah.' she grins, looking around at me, tell me something about yourself.'

I hate being put on the spot like this. I have to think of something.

'Well, I um,' I stutter, 'When I was younger I cut my finger on my Mum's ring.'

'Yikes.' Isabel raises her eyebrows, 'Well I hope you can still dance as we'll be doing lots of dancing tonight.' She smirks and winks at me.

All of a sudden I hear a cheerful, 'Meow!' from above. We look up and see Ellie, one of the youngest siblings, perched up in the tree. She is adorable.

So much happened in those few seconds I was struggling to find any words. I just sit there and blink, trying to process everything.

'What are you doing up there El?' Isabel shouts up to her sister, with a look of both amusement and confusion.

'I have snacks!' She squeals, and jumps out the tree. She carefully hands us a cupcake each, 'Adam baked them.'

'Thanks El-'

The young girl gallops off without another word.

I was pretty hungry, so I immediately tuck into the snack. It's pretty scrummy, lorax boy is a good cook. 

Isabel smirks at me. I look back at her and giggle.


'You have something on your cheek.' 

I quickly wipe my cheek with the back of my hand. There was nothing there. 'Where?'

'There!' she laughs and points.

I try again. Oopsie, got a bit of frosting on my face. I blush sheepishly, causing the bassist to laugh a little.

'Where was I?' Isabel pauses for a moment.

'Oh yeah. You're gonna be doing lots of dancing tonight! I... and um all the others too, we want to make tonight special for you.' 

She looks me dead in the eye and places her hand onto mine. Our fingers interlock, taking my breath away.

I feel a sense of warmth when I'm with her. I feel safe.

My eyes briefly flicker to her lips. I'm not sure if she noticed, but I could sense her leaning in closer, her touch sending shockwaves throughout my body.

She doesn't like me back does she? I'm probably just making it up in my head.  

'Hey girls!' I hear George, a.k.a meatball movie man, call from the van.

We break eye contact.

'Everything's packed, we're ready to skidaddle!' 

[pls send me links to any sm6 discord servers!!]

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