Chapter Seven

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I walk back inside, leaving Emily and Ellie to watch Jojo perform jetpack stunts.

It takes around 5 minutes of searching, but I eventually find Isabel in one of the empty dressing rooms. She, Adam, George and Jack left the stage earlier than me for some reason. Peculiar.

I watch her for a brief moment. She silently gazes at herself in the mirror, only turning round to face me when she notices my reflection.

I hope she knows how beautiful she is.

I stride up to her and grab her by the waist, and she returns the favour, gently pulling her body closer to mine. I feel her warmth. She's actually quite a bit taller than me, so her head rests upon mine.

'It's funny to think we only properly met today.' I whisper, giddy with happiness, 'I feel like I've always known you.'

She smirks.

'When we were planning that song, I wasn't expecting us to... you know... kiss. It was only meant to be a hint!' Isabel giggles, wrapping her arms around my frame even tighter.

I laugh.

'It wasn't exactly subtle!' I smile and lean back slightly so I could meet her sapphire blue eyes, 'I can't believe you, the lead singer of SM6, like me! There's... a lot of people in Amëricguah.'

She lifts up my chin with her hand, causing butterflies to swarm in my stomach.

Our faces are extremely close together.

'Over 300 million in Amëricguah, and I'm so happy I found you.' She whispers, and pulls me closer for a kiss. Our lips lock together and I pratically black out. I place my hand on her neck.

This feels so sweet, and so surreal.

For a few minutes, we couldn't take our hands off eachother, but all good things have to come to an end.

She pulls away slowly, our noses brushing together in the process, and interlocks her fingers in mine.

'We have one more surprise for you. Let's go find the others.' She grins and leads me away to another dressing room further along the corridor.

My heartbeat accelerates in excitement. When she said she was going to make tonight special for me - she truly meant it.

'Isabel! Hannah! So glad you could finally make it!' Adam announces as we enter the room, tipping his fedora off to us.

I look round and see Meatball Man and Bartholomew sitting on the dressing table with an all-knowing look in their eyes.

'We have something VERY AWESOME for you!' George says, almost a little too enthusiastically. 'Jack, would you do the honours?'

'I hope you like it.' Isabel whispers in my ear, squeezing my hand simultaneously.

I could see Jack hold back the urge to scream as he pulls the mystery item out of his pocket.

'Ta-dah!' The three boys yell, their voices cracking a few hundred times between them.

In his hand, he holds the most complex, high-tech phone I have ever seen.

'Introducing the iPhone X Æ A-12!' Adam says proudly, taking the swanky device from his brother and bringing it closer to me.

Upon closer inpesction, I can see that it is something truly special. The whole back of the mobile was covered in hundreds of camera lenses, which made me a little trypophobic, but I push the feeling aside.

'This phone is the latest and SICKEST model to date!' George chirps up, 'It's a collaboration between Apple and Elon Musk in dedication to his baby. Pretty cool stuff.'

I take it into my hands graciously.

'You can use it to send rockets into space! It can also be used as a hand-warmer or cooler due to the heat controls, and also the screen is basically a big hologram that you can-'

'And you can also use it to call me - whenever you want.' Isabel says warmy, interrupting her youngest brother.

I stand still dumbfounded.

'Guys, I-I have no words. Just...thank you!' I exclaim, hugging Isabel tightly and high fiving the brothers.

George dabs aggressively, 'We knew you'd love it, as we knew that evil Jojo broke your old one!'

I really can not be bothered to explain to him the new information regarding Jojo, so I just smile and nod.

'H-how did you get me this?' I question Isabel, still stunned by the family's generosity.

'Don't worry, it doesn't matter.' Adam interrupts quickly, before Isabel takes over,

'We just want you to be able to stay in touch, well especially me.' She giggles and pecks me on the cheek.

As the band packs up the van ready to head back home, me and Isabel sit on the curb together and watch the stars.

'Stars are weird.' I say dreamily, leaning into Isabel slightly.

I feel her gaze on me.

'Explain it to me.' She says softly, her hand resting on my back in almost a protective manner.

'Well. So like imagine you're just looking at the stars one day, right? Just like we are now. Well imagine if one star suddenly starts getting bigger and bigger. You realise it's coming closer and closer, but there's nothing you can do to stop it. Then you start feeling warmer. Then everything starts to burn and the Earth gets destroyed.'

I sigh.

'Just something I think about sometimes.'

I look at her to see her response. She bursts out laughing.

'Damn Hannah, I thought you were gonna say something all cute and romantic!'

She playfully shoves my shoulder.

'You were the one who told me to explain!' I yell jokingly back, pinching her nose.

We sigh away the laughter and settle in content silence.

She puts her arm around my and kisses my cheek. Is this what heaven feels like? Too bad I'm not going there.

I nestle into her shoulder, I could almost fall asleep-


'Jack?' Isabel calls, bolting upright. Bartholomew screaming is a rather common occurrence, but we walk over to him regardless- just in case.

'Jack, what's the matter?' I ask, only slightly worried.

He says nothing, but points a shaky finger silently up at a star.

A star that was growing.

My stomach drops. I squint my eyes at this particular celestial object. It does look a little bigger than usual, but it's probably just our minds playing tricks on us.

'Hey Jack.' Isabel says comfortingly, 'You probably just overheard what Hannah said and got paranoid, yeah?'

He nods, but looks uncertain.

'Lets hop in the car.'

Not long into the journey home, I start to feel extremely fatigued. I close my eyes and lean my weight against the dreamy bassist to my left, taking in her lavender scent.

I smile as I fall into a deep sleep.

Tonight was truly magical.

[just heard SM6 are coming to the UK next year, can't wait to turn this story from fiction to reality x]

[also if the story starts to get too wild and confusing please tell me thanks]

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