Chapter Eight

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Two weeks have passed since the idyllic night of the concert, and life certainly is sweet.

My mum is no longer threatening to sell me for cigs, me and Jojo have become good friends, and I'm meeting up with my dreamy bassist lover this afternoon.

You'd think things couldn't be better - but there's one small problem.

The star that Jack spotted is growing.

And it's growing fast.

As worrying as the situation sounds, I'm not trying to dwell on it too much. I'm convinced NASA has everything under control, they always do, right? What I really should be worrying about is what I'm wearing for my date later- I want to look immaculate for Isabel.

I slope over to my wardrobe and start to ruthlessly rummage through the available items. I have an assortment of dresses in different styles, but I never wear them. They aren't really my thing.

I continue to file through the clothes. Suddenly, I spot something perfect. A weird-looking button-up shirt? Yes please.

I accompany the shirt with some black, straight-leg jeans and a pair of platform Doc Martens. To finally finish the look off, I put my auburn hair into a messy bun and apply a thick layer of liquid eyeliner. Perfect.

I look at the girl staring me down in the bathroom mirror, she looks so much happier now than she did a month ago. Her green orbs were no longer sunken and dull, and her smile looked much more well-used.

Who knew one person could change your entire world.


That must be my iPhone X Æ A-12.

I pick up the device and childishly grin at the sight of a new text from Isabel.

'See you at the cafe in 10! xx'

I can barely contain my excitement. I quickly grab my lesbian rollerskates and glide smoothly out the door.

Halloween is tomorrow, and I can see that my neighbourhood has been as enthusiastic as ever this year. Paper bunting, shaped like little ghosts, has been strung loosely over the branches and orange leaves of the trees, pumpkins bearing every expression imaginable are displayed outside front doors, and I can see posters displaying the local fair plastered up on billboards.

I smirk. It would usually be me putting up those cheap posters, but on FaceTime one night, Isabel persuaded me to quit the job, so I did. Mum didn't really mind, she's now dating this new rich guy. Don't know much about him.

I perch on the curb taking the wheels off my shoes, before pratically skipping into the cafe. I haven't seen Isabel in person in a whole fourteen days.

I scrutinise the room for her presence.

My breath is taken away.

Isabel is sitting in the corner of the room, wearing a gorgeous, red, satin dress paired fashionably with a denim jacket. She is absolutely stunning.

I shyly walk over,


Isabel looks up from her phone. Her vibrant, blue eyes light up at the sight of me and she beams.


From across the table, she gives me a brief, but sweet, peck on the lips, causing my face to flush scarlet.

'Why are you so shy all of a sudden? We FaceTime everyday!' She giggles, fiddling with the sleeves of her jacket.

'I guess you just took my breath away.' I admit, sheepishly.

Isabel sticks out her bottom lip and gazes at me adoringly.

'That was freaking cute Hannah.'


'Really it was, I-'

The conversation is interrupted by the obnoxious ringing of Isabel's phone. She picks it up with a puzzled look on her face.

'Unknown number. It can wait.'

'No, answer it. I'm curious.' I smirk, wanting the topic of the conversation change from me being an absolute simp.

She sighs jokingly.


She accepts the call and switches it to speaker mode.

'Ello luv! Harry here.'

That British accent is unmistakable.

'Harry, as in Harry Styles?' Isabel gasps, putting her hands to her face. I feel a twinge of jealousy, but I brush it aside.

'That's right! Just 'ere to tell you that you and your band of yours have been selected to tour with One Direction next Spring.'

I sit there speechless. I usually say that One Direction is far too mainstream and basic for me, but to be honest, their music slaps.

This was major.

'That's... amazing! Thank you!' Isabel manages to say through the immense excitement. She gives me an ecstatic thumbs up, and I return the gesture.

'No problemo luv. See you then.' He ends the call, leaving the two of us to try and process the information.

We sit there, stunned, for a moment.

'Isabel, I- congratulations! I'm so happy for you.' I grin warmly, taking the elated bassist's hands into mine. I could feel them shaking.

Her eyes well up.

'Thank you... this is insane!'

'We must celebrate! How about we-'

I search my brain for an idea.

'How about we... all go down to the Halloween Fair tomorrow!' I suggest enthusiastically. The band work tirelessly creating music, they deserve a treat.

Her jaw drops slightly.

'That sounds perfect.' She squeezes my hands and lightly pecks me on the cheek. I could literally feel the serotonin producing in my body.

After purchasing a celebratory vegan milkshake to share and consuming said milkshake, Isabel eagerly calls the others to break the news.
The phone isn't on speaker, but I can hear Jack's screaming quite clearly- I think the whole cafe can.

'Dude you're deafening us!' She laughs into the phone.

Gosh. I love it when she laughs.

Tomorrow is going to be amazing.

[sorry this was short, i just needed a boring filler chapter in preparation to what's happening next... also I am aware i've written this in a weird tense but oh well, hope you are enjoying the story.]

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