Chapter Eleven

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Kara's POV...

When you first experience love, it's joyous and it's thrilling.

Your first crush. Your first time locking eyes with someone after avoiding glances.

Love is playful, like a child's game. These are your earliest memories of love.

It's like stepping into the ocean for the first time, the white-hot sun is high, the coarse sand warm on your feet, and the sudden chill of the sea rushing up against your ankles.

Every moment is a thrill, always something new and exciting. You're testing the waters, and your curiosity is piqued.

"Penny for your thoughts" Lena said.

"Um- I-I was-" I couldn't speak because I immediately lost toward her beauty. Her eyes shined like a glossy pearl of kryptonite that the warm rays of the sun shining that made it turn a little light green. Lips of bright cherry red went well with the tight black dress she was wearing. The light hit her just right so you could see every luscious curve of her body. She smelled like an ocean breeze coming in to the shore. Just try to imagine the perfect most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life and times that by ten fold.

The day started out earlier as any other day, but I seemed more excited than I'd ever been. My happiness was radiating off of me.

" Don't be nervous again Kara" I fix my eyeglass and she was focusing on the waves that hit the shore

"This is the happiest day of my life." she said with a big smile

"Being here with you Kara Danvers"

"I was thinking of you" I blurt ou

"Me? what about me" She look at me on the eyes like she was looking through my soul

"You're perfect Lena. I know that word is not enough to describe you" I held her hand

"Hmm? I should say the same with you love" Then I didn't expect what happened next.

I froze into where I was standing my brain isn't functioning well

Alex's POV

"Hey Alex, where is Kara" Mon-El ask

What this dump guy wants?

"I dont know exactly but she was with Lena" I smirk at him and I saw him sigh with disappointment

"I heard they went to church" I tease him

"w-what did they do in there?" he snap

This is gonna be fun

"Probably get married"

"What the fuck Alex? you serious"

I rolled my eyes at him

Look at him being so dump

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