Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

            I had been gone for almost a year when I got a call from Jason. He was getting married and wanted me there. Sam, Flint, was going to be his best man. He also told me that Jake had married and had a little girl who he named after his sister. I didn’t want to go back, but there was no way I would leave Jason hanging like that. It took me almost three weeks to get back to that little town.

            The night I arrived, it was raining hard. I drove past Jason’s house twice, but couldn’t bring myself to stop and knock on the door. Diageo was still digging into the bounty that had been placed on Ace’s head, but as of yet, he still wasn’t any closure to finding out who ordered the hit or who claimed the cash.

            So, I did the only thing I knew to do. I ordered him to stop looking. A part of me knew that we would eventually find a clue that might lead us to the truth, but I knew it was time to put it to rest. She was gone, and I couldn’t bring her back. I sigh as I pull into the bed and breakfast parking lot. Pulling off my helmet, I grab my pack and head inside. I get a room for the week and head up the stairs. It was going to be a long night.

            After a long shower, I tug my phone out of the pack and head for the bed. I trip on the rug and my phone slides under the bed. Grumbling, I look under the bed and spot my phone by the wall. As I reached for it, the glint of silver beside it catches my eye. When I grab my phone, I make sure that I grabbed it as well. As I stared at the celtic luck knot necklace, I felt my mind freeze. It looked exactly like the one that the guys and I bought Ace right after our first mission. Luke had dished in an extra twenty bucks to have Ace High inscribed on the back. I turn the charm over only to find those two words staring up at me. I couldn’t believe it. Ace always wore it. Pulling the chain that held my dog tags off my neck; I quickly slide the charm onto it and put the chain back around my neck.

            The next few years seemed to fly by. Their wedding had gone off without a hitch, and the guys seemed happy. I even saw Henry once, but we didn’t speak. Everyone was glad that I had made it back to town, and for the most part so was I. I watched as Jake and Jason welcomed the new additions to their families, and I would occasionally come back and visit.  

I had honestly missed Jason, Sam, Jake, and Mr. and Mrs. McKenna. It seemed impossible that Mrs. McKenna has been dead for almost a year. They were all the family I really had. Once Mr. K found out that I was staying at the bed and breakfast whenever I came to town, she would make me stay at her house.

            I didn’t mind, but everywhere I turned there were memories of Ella. Deciding I need some fresh air, I let Mr. K know that I was going for a walk and make my way towards the woods behind the house. Within minutes of walking through the trees, my eyes make out an old trail and I start to follow it. It wasn’t long until I found myself stepping into a clearing behind a cabin. And that’s when it hit me; I was standing behind the cabin where Ace was killed.

            Slowly, I started to walk around it letting my eyes take in every detail. The front of the cabin still had the yellow police crime scene tape on the door, and everything inside was covered in dust. Making my way around to the back again, a small clear tube catches my eye. Pulling a pair of gloves out of my back pocket, I pick it up. I could tell it was filled with some kind of clear liquid, but I wasn’t sure what it was. The sound of my phone ringing reached my ears.


            “Hey boss, we just received a new job. There’s a big-shot down in Lago, Texas thinks that someone’s trying to kill him. He wants us to be his private security for a month or so and see if we can find out who’s after him.” I slip the tube into my pocket as I turn and start to walk back to the house to pack. “I’ll take the job Diageo. Tell Tommy and Ian to meet me there. And I’ll be sending you a little tube of some kind of clear liquid. I want you to run it against every known data base you can tap into. When you find out what it is, let me know ASAP.”

            “Sure thing boss. I’ll talk to you later.” I hang up and step into the house. “Mr. K!” I call out. “In the kitchen with Jason and Sam.” When I walk in, she hands me a glass of sweet tea. “Mr. K, I have to leave. I just got a job and I have to get down there soon. When it’s over, I’ll come back and stay for awhile.” He smiles and gives me a hug. “You better John. You, Jason and Sam are the closest I have to my Ella.” He says softly, but we all heard her. “Yes sir. I’ll keep in touch.” I finish my tea and say goodbye. Making sure I had everything, I jump on my bike and race towards the airfield. Lago here I come. 


Hiya guys. Sorry this chapter's so short, but life is getting a little crazy with Christmas almost here. I hope that y'all enjoy reading and that each and every one of y'all have a sweel Christmas with your family and friends. :) 

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