Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Tony’s POV

            I sit curled up on my couch watching reruns of Criminal Minds. Ever since Carlos and Lucy started dating, I saw him less and less. But I truly didn’t mind. He was starting a new path in his life and I was happy for him. Needing a distraction, I walk into town and head to a pay phone. Taking a deep breath, I quickly dial Henry’s number before I lost my nerve.

            I had just about given up hope of him picking up when a woman’s voice drifted across the line. “Hello. This is Sarah Rymos.” (A/N: I forgot if I gave Henry/Spade a last name, so I gave him another lol)

            “I was calling for Henry Rymos. I must have dialed the wrong number. Sorry for bothering you ma’am.” I say softly. But before I could hang up, she speaks. “It’s alright. Henry stepped out of the house for a bit, but I let me call him.” In the background I could hear the squealing laughter of a little girl followed by Henry’s deep laugh. And my heart broke at the sound.

            “No don’t bother him please. I was just calling to give him a message. I met a soldier at the V.A. last week and he wanted me to pass it along in case he didn’t make it past his surgery. I’m sorry to say that the young man died on the operating table.”

            “That’s sad to hear, but I’d be happy to give my husband the message.”

            “I’m glad I found the right Henry.” I say laughing softly. “I’m leaving for Spain tomorrow. The message is that Ace regretted how their last meeting turned out. Ace also wanted Henry to know that it wasn’t his fault; Henry couldn’t have stopped it even if he was there. You’ll tell him that Mrs. Rymos?”

            “I will… Wait here he is, you can tell him yourself if you’d like.” She said and I could hear Henry asking her who was on the phone. “I have to go now, but thanks for passing the message along Mrs. Rymos. Have a good day.” I say and quickly hung up. I was happy that Henry had found someone to love, but yet I was sad that it wasn’t me.

            Turning to exit the phone booth, I freeze. My eyes locked on the three men coming out of the café, but I was only looking at the last one. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Spark Plug was in the same town as I was. He looked around but didn’t see me. I let out a sigh of relief and wait until their car pulls out of town.

            As soon as the black SUV was out of sight, I take off running towards home. When I reach my front door I could barely breathe. Locking the door behind me, I rush through the house making sure the windows were locked and the curtains were closed. After that was finished, I collapse on the couch shock taking over my body. Did he know I was alive, and if he did, how in the world did he find me?

John’s POV

            The guys and I exited the café and I couldn’t help but feel like I was being watched. I looked around, but nothing stuck out to me. Motioning for Tommy to drive, I sit in the passenger side. Just as I shut the door, my phone rang. “Hello.”

            “Hey John, it’s been a while. It’s Henry.”

            “It sure has Henry. How have you been?”

            “Good, good. I’m married now and I have a little girl.”

            “It’s good that you moved on Henry. Ella would be happy for you.” I say sincerely, but he sighs softly. “Speaking of that, I just had the weirdest thing happen John. I was out in the yard playing with my daughter when the phone rang. Sarah, my wife, answered it. A woman had promised to pass along a message for a dying young soldier to me. The message was… The woman told my wife that his message to me was that Ace regretted how our last meeting turned out, and that she was wanted me to know it wasn’t my fault; that I wouldn’t have been able to stop her death even if I was there.

            “By the time I came into the house, the woman hung up. I didn’t know who to call.”

            “Thanks for letting me know Henry. I’ll see if I can’t dig something up.” We hang up and I just stare out of my window. Something in my gut told me that it was Ella who called Henry. A part of me wondered why she didn’t call me, but I knew I would be able to tell it was her the second she spoke.

            That night, we were attacked. It wasn’t a surprise attack since we had been expecting them. The fight lasted for hours. By dawn everything was over. All but four of them were dead. As we were loading the injured men into the plane, I turned and looked towards town. I had one job down. The only thing left for me to do was to confront Ella. 

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