Chapter 8

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Anthony couldn't take it anymore. He had to do something to help Ian. Anything. He just needed Ian back. The bubbly, happy care-free Ian, the Ian he fell in love with. But how do you help someone who won't talk to you? Well you can't do it on your own. Anthony would need to get Ian some professional help, and he would need to do it fast. Anthony scanned the phone book looking for anyone who could help. "Come on, there's gotta be someone who can help. Oh thank god!" Anthony found someone. A psychologist known as 'Dr. T McMuffin' He didn't hesitate to call him. He needed him to come over now. 

Only 15 minutes later Dr T. McMuffin had made his way over. Finally maybe someone can get through to Ian. Anthony thought to himself. "Hello, you must be Anthony." He said shaking Anthony's hand. "Yes and your name is..?" "Timothy. Call me Timothy" He replied entering the Smosh house. Anthony told Timothy about Ian and what had been happening. This went on for a while with Timothy asking questions and Anthony answering them, eventually Timothy had asked to see Ian. Anthony led him to Ian's room who was sitting on the floor holding his book in one his right hand and was stacking children's building blocks in the other. 

They both slowly walked into the room but Ian didn't take any notice. He just continued to do what he was doing. Anthony looked at Ian with sad eyes as if he was begging Ian to go back to normal. Again Ian ignored and dismissed Anthony's silent plea. Timothy sat next to Ian and for a minute observed him and what he was doing and took notes. "Hello Ian. I'm Timothy. Your friend Anthony says you're not feeling yourself. Can you tell me why?" He asked gently. Ian shook his head straighting his little block tower. "Look Ian, we just want to help you. If you're feeling sad then we can make you feel better, but if you don't tell us what's wrong how can we help?" Ian didn't say anything but just pointed to his block tower. Timothy and Anthony leaned close to look at what Ian was pointing at. His little block tower which he had built said : 'Leave'  Suddenly Ian smashed the tower down screaming in what seemed to be pain. He dropped the book, his heads clutching his messy hair. Ian's eyes sqeezed shut as tears began to escape. Anthony and Dr. Timothy hurriedly tried to calm Ian but Ian Just continued to scream. "MAKE THEM STOP! MAKE THEM STOP TALKING TO ME!" Ian screamed in desperation and fear. Anthony knew Ian wasn't going to get better anytime soon. 

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