Chapter 9

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Anthony didn't hesitate to call 911. What was going to happen to Ian? Will he get better? Will he ever be Ian again? "Will he be okay!?" Anthony asked Timothy in desperation. "I don't know, I've never seen anything like this before." He replied. Ian was still screaming at the top of his lungs, tears dripping down is his face. An amberlamp (sorry couldn't resist XD) soon arrived and two men came in trying to take Ian but he wouldn't move. Every time they tried to touch him he would scream even louder, hitting and pushing them away. It took 30 minutes to get Ian into the amberlamp and he was still screaming. He didn't stop until they gave him some medicine to knock him out. Ian looked so limp and lifeless, Anthony felt like crying. No! Don't you dare cry Padilla! Be strong for Ian! He told himself repeatedly. It was hard though but he just knew that he had to hold it together for Ian. Anthony tried not to cry or think about what might happen to Ian, but of course he ended up thinking about it. Tears then spilled over when he realised. Ian may never be Ian again. 

Anthony reached his hand out and gripped Ian's. It was so limp and cold. He didn't know how long it had been since they got into the amberlamp all he knew was that they had arrived at the hospital. Doctors hurriedly rushed Ian into the hospital, Anthony following them in but was pushed away when he went to Ian's side. He felt so helpless, he couldn't do anything to help Ian. As much as he wanted he knew he couldn't. Suddenly he heard screams, scream he recognised followed by a voice he knew so well. Ian was awake. "GET OFF ME! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" His pleas ran through the hospital but were soon stopped which left Anthony thinking. Ian will you ever get better? 


Hey homeslices sorry the chapter is so short and took ages to upload! I thought I had uploaded it ages ago but had actually deleted it :/ (yeah stupid I know) And also I couldn't remember it and have had writer's block but I'm getting ideas again so updates won't take so long now (hopefully!) Comments and votes are all appreciated. ~ MipMip (Minnie)

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