Rhinos and Wildebeests and Bats! Oh my!

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The friends were driving in the jungle.

"Sam, be careful with the Ferrari" said Cameron.

"I'm always careful, Cameron" said Sam.

Sloane then noticed a sign up ahead. "Oh, Sam. There's a rhino crossing. Stop the car" she said.

Sam did as told. She then noticed that the Ferrari screen was blinking. 

"That red dot sucks, right?" she asked Cameron.

"I... think so" said Cameron.

The friends heard a noise in the distance.

"What's that noise?" said Ferris.

Suddenly a huge rhino came running and crashed into the Ferrari.

"RHINO!" yelled Cameron and Sam. 

They drove away really fast.

"Gawrsh! Maybe the rhino was our something wrong" Sam said.

Ferris placed his hand on his belly. "The rhino wasn't the problem. I still feel funny" he said.

They decided to keep going. They did until the screen started beeping again.

"Ferrari technology. Ya gotta love it" Sloane said. They heard a rumbling noise in the distance.

"What's that?" Sam said. "Very possibly Ferris's gut telling us that something's going on" sassed Cameron.

"I don't think that's how it works, Cameron" said Ferris. "Me either. It's awfully loud even for us" Sam said.

"Um.. guys" Sloane said looking behind her. The others looked and a bunch of wildebeests were running after them.

"STAMPEDE!" they yelled. Sam drove as fast as she could.

Cameron was still panting in fear when they escaped. "That was close. That was really really close" he whimpered.

"We're fine now, Cam" Sloane assured him. "And yet the wildebeests weren't the problem" said Ferris. 

The friends then arrived at a fork in the road. One path led to a cave while the other went around the cave.

"Ferris. Where's your gut telling us to go? Cave or roundabout?" Sam said.

"I don't know, Sam. The condition doesn't say where we're going. It just makes my stomach feel funny" Ferris said.

"Oh great. So cave it is" Sam said driving in the cave. 

It was pretty dark in the cave.

"Oh, dear. It's really dark in here" said Sloane. "And I can't get the headlights on" Sam said.

"This is so scary! At least I have my blanky. My blanky always makes me feel better" Cameron cried. 

"That's my cape!" Sam said snatching her green cape back. "oh. Sorry" said Cameron.

"Well, it's not as scary now. There's some fireflies" said Ferris. 

"That's weird. they're in pairs" said Cameron. "And they're red too" said Sloane.

Sam finally got the headlights to turn on and the fireflies were revealed to be...

"AAAAHHH!!!!! BATS!!!" Sloane screamed. 

"Ew! Ew! Don't let them near my hair!" Sam grunted driving back outside. 

"What about the bats? were they the problem?" said Sloane. 

Ferris thought for a moment then said "no. They weren't"

"what else could it be?" said Cameron. "Well, we just tried the cave, so I trust the roundabout isn't gonna get us anywhere" Sam said.

"let's go this way" said Sloane.

Wow! So much hijinks has ensued and none of it was the problem!

Now they're gonna try a different path. 

Do they find the problem there? Read the next chapter to find out!

Peace and love,


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