The Final Battle

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"Oh my. It's really dark in here" said Sloane.

Ferris turned on the headlights and they found a path to follow.

"Do we follow that path?" he said. 

"All I'm suggesting is that Sam uses that pixie dust of hers on us so we can fly outta here" said Cameron.

"No, Cameron. Now that we're here, my stomach feels completely normal. I guess this is where we find a way to solve our hyena problem" said Ferris.

So they walked down the path until who should they find but...

"RINGO!" Sam yelled, "Ringo, it's me, Sam!'

"Sam! How did you find me, love?" Ringo said to her as he embraced her.

"I had some help" Sam said pointing to her friends. 

"Who are they?" Ringo whispered to her. 

"Oh. Ringo, this is Ferris Bueller, Sloane Peterson and Cameron Frye."

"Oh nice to meet you" said Ringo. "You too. Love your work" said Ferris.

"Look at that, Ferris. Your stomach led us to Ringo" said Sloane.

"I beg your pardon?" said a very confused Ringo. "It's kind of a long story" Sam said.

"You see, Ringo... Ferris has a condition that tells him something's wrong. And this time, it told him you were lost" Cameron explained.

"And I didn't even know it" said Ferris rubbing his stomach.

"But it helped me find you" Sam finished.

"Well... gear." said Ringo.

The hyenas then showed up and Banzai said "Well then! Dinner's complete!"

Ed then came after Sloane. "Please don't eat me" Sloane sobbed.

"Drop her!" Cameron scolded. 

"Hey! Who's the French fry?" said Banzai.

As his last name was Frye, Cameron did NOT appreciate being called a French fry.

"Are you talking to me?" he said.

"Uh-oh. He called him a French fry" said Ferris.

"Are you talking to me?" said Cameron.

"Shouldn't have done that" said Ferris.

"ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!" Cameron yelled.

"Now you're in for it" Ferris warned the hyenas.

"They call me Mister Frye!" Cameron bellowed. 

Cameron let out an ear-piercing scream and attacked the hyenas until they ran off in fear.

"Nice going, Cam!" Sloane said.

"Thanks" Cameron responded.

"Okay. The hyenas are defeated and Ferris is better. Now, Ringo, we gotta get you home" Sam said.

Ringo agreed and Sam sprinkled him and her new friends in pixie dust and they flew back to Liverpool.

Wow! Ferris's condition actually helped Sam find Ringo!

Let's read the next chapter to see them reunite with the other Beatles and Sam's friends!

Peace and love,


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