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Y/n P.O.V

I am now walking to the cafeteria since it's already lunch break, but i can't get that dream out of my head, and a lot of questions are in my head.

I was drowning in my thoughts i didn't notice i was already here,"Y/n here!" I look where the voice is coming from and when i turn around it's Seulgi, my bestfriend, she's the only one that can actually understand me except for my siblings she doesn't treat me like others do, to Seulgi I'm just another person.

"What took you so long?" She asked "I fell a sleep in class and my teacher tell us a story about their life once again." I just rolled my eyes at the thought of it.

We were eating and chatting when the bell rang, "There goes the bell, let's go we have the same schedule for the day." While we're walking i kept hearing whispers bit i just ignored it.

We're now at our 4th subject which is history, and i'm so bored until the professor said something that caught my attention,"So, I take it that every one here know of the Demigod and Hybird experiment or project?" And that caught my attention then he continued "That project or experiment happened 457 years ago so nobody really knows if it's real or not, but we're going to discuss what happened back then, some parents say that to their children to scare if don't behave you will be send there to be experimented on." But if that's the case then it's only mythological....i was questioning myself until a student ask "But sir isn't it only a myth that our parents tell?" Nice question.
"Actually there's some proofs found to prove that the experiment really do exist, like the laboratory where they did the experiment or project and some chemicals was found there as well and also it was reported to the hight council that someone actually survived it." Then the bell rang.

I was always happy when the bell rang.... but not today.

I'm so freaking annoyed i was so focussed and curious damn it!

"Ok class dismissed. I will just continue the lesson and tell you the whole story on our next meeting that is all goodbye." The teacher said.

I was sill in my deep thoughts until someone poked my shoulder, i turned to who it is. It was Seulgi. "Hey, you've been spacing out what's wrong? Class ended 3 minutes ago we'll be late let's go." She said i stood up and took my bag ww both exit the classroom we were walking silently then she spoke up "So? What's on your mind? Got some problems? You can tell me.""No it's nothing." I said in monotone "Hmmmm...ok if you say so, but i'm still worried about you."

And just like that school was over, time sure does fly fast, but the entire time i was thinking of our discussion in history class and my dream.

Why Can't I Remember my childhood?

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