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Y/n P.O.V

I was in my room laying on my bed staring into space, then someone knocked on my door.

"Hey lil sis you awake?!" Someone shouted from the other side of the door "Yes!" I shouted back"May i come in?" "Yeah." It was kookie oppa who called me "What is it?" I asked him "Dad called us his gonna be here in an hour so get ready." I just nodded at him then he left my room.

Mom and Dad doesn't live here, they live in another part of this world, so me,somi unnie and jungkook oppa is the only one that lives in this house, well more like mansion.

When i got down stairs my siblings are already sited "Why is there so many foods?"
I asked"Well mom and Dad are gonna come, so we made a feast since they're barely visit." Somi unnie answered.

After waiting for half an hour they here
"Took you guys long enough."kookie oppa said "Haha, we just have some unfinished business to settle." Dad replied.

We are now at the dining area eating, nobody's talking so i decided to break the silence "So, what did you guys visited?" I asked and everyone looked at me with a straight face, 'that's uncomfortable' I said in my mind.

"We'll talk about it later for now just finish the food on your plate." Dad said without emotions.

We are now done eating but no one still utters a single word, Dad was the one to break the tension "He's back." That word. That single word made us all tensed up. For a few minutes of registering that on our minds, Dad continued what he was saying "He's making his move. They attacked a district in Hibernia last week." He said
"So you want us to come back and protect them?" Somi unnie asked "No." Dad answered "Then what do we do to help our homeland?" Now i was the one to asked, But this time Mom was the one to answer my question "We visit to warn you personaly and warn you to stay close to each other, all of you will come to school together and go home together, we need to be cautious since we don't know what they're goal is here." Mom said in a strict voice.

After that discussion we talk about normal things, until they have to leave "Any plans?" I asked my two older siblings "Well as Mom said we're stick together in public and not separate with each other." Kookie oppa said while looking the doors.

"For now let's just get some rest, we still have school tomorrow." Somi unnie said.

Now I'm in my room many thoughts and questions in my mind until i got to dreamland.

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