Chapter 5

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"So why are you really here"

"To be a hero"

"Bullshit you live with fucking villains"

"THERE NOT VILLAINS ANYMORE!" I looked at the door "can we go somewhere else"

"Like where my room"

"no stupid" I took some of my feather and lifted him bringing him to the roof then set him down

"Should I be worried you'll kill me up here"


"There is no way your here to be a hero"

"Why because I live with people that were the reason for All Mights end"


"He wouldn't be around now even if it didn't happen"

"That's no the point"

"I know"

"Then who are you really can you tell me that"

"Your cousin"


"No it's not, you see remember when Hawks was number two and he went undercover"

"Yea no shit I've read about it"

"Well he fell in love with Dabi that villain, after they chose to not be villains anymore the league knew that all might has fallen, the whole point in their mission I guess so they stopped"

"Because they won"

"If you hand nothing else to accomplish wouldn't you stop?" He looked down "exactly, so they had a kid Hawks is still a hero because he didn't say he was married to a villain, they had a kid and let me choose my path by telling me there stories and let me live my own so I decided to be a hero, they refuse to do any villain like works they vowed it"

"Then why are they still hiding"

"Are you stupid, my father Dabi has burn scars all over his body so he would be recognized and arrested for the past crimes he did even if they were 15 years ago or not, shigaraki is also recognizable but he can still go out kinda, twice can't at fucking all without his mask and toga has been fighting to not kill someone"

"Yes that makes sense, but how am I your cousin"

"Did shouto ever talk about his brother Touya?"

"Once or twice, only to tell us why he hates grandpa and won't let us see him"

"That's Dabi"

"Stop bullshitting me right now"

"Fire quirk you said it yourself not many can shoot fire from their hands and it's blue, same eye colour"

"That not enough"

"You cant mention endeavour around him and he also calls you his brother all the time" he sat down and put his hands through I'm his hair "that photo was all the people that raised me they're good people except uncle shigaraki he's a dick"

"And here i though you were my dads secret love child of something"

"Hell no"

"So you're my cousin? That's why I had a weird feeling about you"

"Yup, you can't tell people about this if someone knows then~"

"I know what will happen I'm not stupid"

"Well so far you haven't done a good job at proving it"

"Shut up, it's going to take some getting used to but we have to tell Aspen eventually"

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