Chapter 13

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"What" I said with obvious anger

"I told him so he would talk to me"


"What's going on?" Jasmine said

"We promised!" Aspen continued

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME ZADE" I said with my body going into flames. My back burned like hell but I didn't care at this point

"Chill I know I did it but still you have to~"

"WHAT CALM DOWN THATS MY DADS THEY COULD BE KILLED NO THEY WILL BE KILLED" I started to get tired for some reason and the flames went down. "What the hell" from there I passed out

Aspen POV
"Sorry but she seemed to be causing problems" I turned around and saw a woman with blue long hair and glasses with her jacket sleeve rolled up. "I'm mrs. midnight a retired pro hero" I looked her up and down

"The R rated hero" Jasmine said happily

I picked up Eden and brought her to her room her shirt was screwed over but her back looked weird I guess. The place her wings were are a dark purple and seamed to be burning hot even though her quirk wasn't being used. when I got back I saw midnight was talking with the class

"I'm your babysitter ground zero has assigned me to be"

"Mis midnight now I understand why my dad likes you" Hayden said making me roll my eyes

"Who are your parents?"

"Grape juice" she bent down to the short male and smiled

"Fuck you" everyone laughed at him but me, Zade and Jax

"I'll stay with Eden" I said glaring at Zade and jax "miss midnight how long does your quirk last?"

"A couple hours"

"Ok, Zade Jax come here" i said in a stern voice Zade looked like he was horrified he actually gets scared when I'm mad after I beat the shit out of a girl that was bullying me in fifth grade, Jax was just shocked. I took them to my room and closed the door and I looked at them as an awkward silence filled the room

"Your room looks nice" Jax said


"Zade please you promised" Jax said

"Well Zade seems to be fine with breaking promises"

"Jax it part of dead angles"

"THE HELL" I pinned Jax to the wall with ice even though he tried to get out it wasn't working for him.

"Chill out it was forced he came back one day with blood soaked clothes they made him join!"

"REALLY, then why is he part of it and why hasn't he reported them?"

"They threatened my family"

"Bullshit~" we heard a phone ringing and I looked towards Jax

"That's him get me out of this or one of you guys could die" Zade started to melt the ice. Once Jax got out he answered his phone and put it on speaker and a raspy voice was heard

"So jax i thought I told you to bring her to me"

"Seems like I didn't have to do anything, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER"

"Don't raise your voice number six I am your leader"

"Youre nothing to me"

"I did what I had to do to her, her wings needed to be clipped"

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