Chapter 15

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Once we got to the hospital i snatched some other medical supplies including gloves but once we turned around the corner to where Aspen's room was we heard yelling coming from the room my cousin was in

"Ma'am please we don't want you to get an infection"


"You heard her leave her alone" I said leaning on the door frame. The doctor turned around and faced me. She had grey hair and a saggy face from old age she was maybe around 60 or something.

"You can't be here right now"

"Eden!" Aspen said curled into a ball

"We won't be long"

"Fine" she walked passed us bumping into my shoulder I had to hold myself back from beating the shit out of her.

"Hey there Aspen" I said walking towards her

"Hi Eden"

"your arm is healed?!"

"well a doctor came in and used her quirk on it"

"except for your ribs" Jax finished

"What was that about?"i asked, She looked away embarrassed then rolled up her hospital gown showing me the bloody mark that had a 9 and wings. "Shit you could get an infection"

"I don't want them to see it what would they do?"

"I don't know we didn't go to the hospital" Jax said "what happened?"

She sighed before she began to explain "did jax fill you in?" I nodded "well after we got to his house I took his sister out to get her to safety, so to the dorms. But I was shot with something making me fall off my ice path in mid air. I held onto Sarah to break the fall hurting my back. Someone got to me, I started to make an ice wall but someone stepped on my back and shot me five more times. Some raspy voiced male came out of an alleyway and said something along the lines of "she'll be good for the team" they started to hurt Sarah pissing me off I tried to get up but I got beaten I told Sarah to run which she did and then they started to break my bones. Once I couldn't move some guy put his hand on a metal bar and placed it on my ribs and did it again but with the number 9. After constantly screaming then finally stopped when the sound of explosions came and they ran into the alley again, I don't remember anything from there"

"Sarah, That smart girl"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"It couldn't have been my dad since he was helping with your parents, and Sarah was there when I got to you. Her quirk is bomb, when she touches something she places a bomb there, so if she touched your bed a bump like thing spears once she puts her fingers together they blow up, there as hard as a rock and hard to destroy, so she probably did that to make it seem like pros where coming and scared them off"

"That would be smart"

"How you seen her yet is she ok" aspen sai worriedly

"she's ok she got some stitches on her head but is back home"

"Thank god"

"When are you getting out of here?"

"They said 2 days at most"

"That's good, how are you eden?"

"Scared for my dads they could be dead for all I know" I said combing my hair back with my fingers.

"I'm sure they are fine" she said giving me a reassuring smile.

"let's get you cleaned up before we get kicked out" i pulled the first aid kit from my bag and started on her wound "how long was i out?" i asked putting gloves on

"like six hours" Jax said. i nodded and put an alcohol swab on the burnmark making her scream. jax ran to her side and put his hand on her mouth as tears streamed down her face.

"bit me if you have to, but if you scream doctors will come" Jax said

"I'm almost done" she nodded. i found a very burned area making me hiss at the wound "this will hurt" i placed it on and like said it hurt, she bit Jax and put her hands around his wrist making him hiss "all done" Jax took his hand off her mouth

"I'm sorry"

"its fine i told you you could bite me" i looked at his hand and it was bleeding and frosted

"I'll help you after" he nodded. i grabbed a cloth and put water on it and dabbed the wound. after i put a bandage on the wound holding it on with medical tape. "there you go, sorry about the pain" i said tending to Jax's wound

"it's fine you had to clean it" i smiled lightly. she paused for a while before continuing "what am i going to do, this, this fucking mark is going to screw over my whole life" she said with a tear going down her cheek. i walked over to her and undid my pants and showed her the mark i had on my thigh

"you're not on that boat alone" i turned to Jax who had his shirt lifted "it may back your parents reputation and make yours harder to get but i have to keep my family closeted my whole life so that i don't lose them, think about it we all have parents in the top five heros it's going to fuck us up unless we make this mark have a better meaning" i said pulling my pants back on

"fuck dead angles they're not going to have leverage over me no matter who in my life they hurt"

"they can shoot us with a bullet and then we can't use our quirks they have the upper hand"

"they had to shoot me 8 times for the bullet to work"

"for me it was 3 times, how many times for you?"


"now who do you think has the upper hand?"


"time to get out we have to clean her wound" the nurse said behind us sounding snobby as hell

"i already did"

"how do i know you did it right?" aspen lifted her gown showing a well patched up wound

"it may have been hard for you but she didn't trust you, but she trusted me. there is a reason she didn't want you to clean or see it so if i were you i would stop harassing her, leave her alone, and shut the fuck up before something bad happens to you. got it?" she gulped "now we will be leaving, bye Aspen I'll visit tomorrow if i can"

"did she really clean your wound?" the nurse asked aspen

"yes just like how you cleaned my head and leg, if i were you in would take her advice and fuck off" she said smiling. i smiled and walked out with Jax

"you think she'll be ok?"

"it's Aspen we are talking about here" Jax chuckled. my phone started to ring when i looked to see how it was my heart dropped. i answered quickly"dad are you ok? where is dad? You got them out right?"

"sorry angel but your dad got caught but i got everyone else out to safety, I'm so sorry" i could hear the pain in bird-dads voice through phone. My legs felt weak making me fall to the ground

"will you get him out?"

"I'll try but it's going to be hard"

"o-ok" i said with a tear going down my cheek "be safe"

"i will"

"hawks get over here we found a kids bedroom" i heard pro say making my eyes widen


"don't worry they won't know it's you, i have to go I'll call later" he hung up

"Eden?" Jax's voice rang through my ears

"they have my dad"

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