Chapter 7

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Once we were all outside he began what he wanted to do

"So when you are In middle school you can't use your quirks right, well here you can so you will be doing a eight tests and you can use your quirk however you like, a good example Zade how far did you though in middle school?"

"I think like 70 meters"

"Use your quirk" Zade took the ball from the teacher and got ready. And threw it as it flew you can see the fire blazing off of it

"834.2 meters"

"WHAT" we all yelled

"I forgot to mention the one that comes in last will be expelled"

"Called it" I said under my breath

"Well shit" Aspen said

"Is that fair?" Nalla asked

"Nope and I don't give a shit so get ready, you wanna be pros right, well this is a way to become one, we start with a 50 meter dash get ready" once we all started to warm up I felt an unpleasant vibe once I looked over I saw a sand storm thing but it went away once I looked. Weird.

"This is nerve recking" Nalla said

"Kinda" Emily agreed

"Just try your bests I highly doubt you will both go home"

"Thanks Eden* ribbit*"

We all waited for our turn while people did their dash.

Zade and Aspen ran against each other and bet $30 for the winner

Makenzie and Jasmine, Nalla and Emily, Jax and me, and ace and Noah

When it was me and Jax, I got ready and had my wings so that I can just launch myself off.

"Wanna make a bet there angel"

"Like what"


"You're so on" The horn went off and I moved quickly and heard a little beep


"thats the fastest so far!" Someone yelled

"I'll pay you at the dorms"

"Yes you will"

We then did a grip test
I got 76.34 kg

Standing long jump
689.4 cm

Repeated side step
36 my wings were kinda weighing me down

Ball throw
When it came to my turn my thew it and used my feathers to push it farther making it reach 774.37

Sit ups
32 like said my wings weigh me down a lot

Seated toe touch
I was able to go all the way down

Long distance running
I came to tied with Aspen for 1st

"Alright now for your results"  a board with names on it appeared and I was on top. Damn was I actually that good who is going home? I looked lower and saw the name Mackenzie and everyone looked at her and she looked down in sadness

"I'll get packing" she walked away sadly

"Is she actually going?"

"Are you actually making her go?"

"He said he would don't forget that we all were ready for it, if she's smart she'll go to Shiketsu high, they're looking for more people for their hero coarse" I said

A New GenerationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora