Chapter 11

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Zade picked me up and he brought me to the dorms I was put on a bed I'm not sure who's until I saw the cameo bedding. Hell no not Jax. I tried to get up but was pushed down making me curls into a ball and scream.

"I'll get Mr, Bakugou" Zade said and left the room

"hey let me help you alright" Jax said putting his hand on my knee

"Get away from me this is your fault ITS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT" I screamed I didn't. Care that people were sleeping I didn't want him near me. How did I fall for this person I was just a pawn in his little gave of life.

"I didn't do anything Eden please let me help you"

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed and started to sob

"What's going on Jax shut the Fuck up" ace said "wait is that~"


"What the hell" Aspen said coming into the room "Eden" she said I heard the fear in her voice.


"I DONT CARE!" I saw him scan my body

"Sorry are you ok" he reached his hand out and I instantly thought of Cane

"No no no please don't touch me!" He got up I'm not sure where he decided to go but I'm happy he left.

"Eden" Aspen walked over to me slowly and sat next to me "let me help you ok" I looked at her with my red puffy eyes

"Aspen get away from her" Jax said.

"No" she snapped "are you going to let me help you?" I nodded "can you walk" I shook my head "ok, someone grab their first aid kit" ace ran off and came back with one and slid it on the floor "Emily clothes please" Emily started to make a large white t shirt with holes in the back "boys leave" they all started to walk out of the room

"I-I-I'm Sorry" Jax said just over a whisper. He sounded like he was about to cry if I was being honest.

It became just Aspen and Emily. With me Aspen pulled the jacket off and gasped at the sight of my back "What did they do to you?" They carefully put the shirt on me and some underwear. Aspen looked at my thigh and moved back

"It wasn't my fault, he forced me" I said remembering the pain I endured

"What did he force you to do?"

"He cuffed me to the bed and cut them off with a machete then burned me" I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Who is he?" I didn't answer Aspen started to clean my wounds on my back while Emily tended to the one on my thigh.

After 20 minutes the door opened and I curled into a ball again

"Hold on, please hawks~" Aspen started

"Dad" i said

"Hey baby girl" we walked over to me "oh my little angel" he said I saw a tear go down his face making me cry again and hug him sobbing "let's go home"

"Hawks you can't take her"


"She needs to be questioned"

"Take a good look at her, her wings were hacked off and she was branded, I'll be damned to have her questioned"

"It's fine Hawks your exaggerating when ditched class and got jumped" Mr. Bakugou came in and my heart pounded "hey kid"

"No no no go away"

"We are going to question you"

"No no no" I started to pull my hair

"It's ok your just spooked"

"Stop it I'm taking her" I was picked up by my dad and he flew out the window it was nice being back in the air. When we god back to the house he was still holding me and put me on the couch

"Keigo what's going on" dad looked at the couch and walked to me once he noticed that my wings were no where to be found he covered his mouth and hugged me "I'm sorry what happened please tell me what happened" I was quite and tears were the only thing that were heard.

"What's going on?" Uncle handjob said

"Careful no one can get to close to her from what I've heard" bird dad said

"Why?" Uncle walked over to me making my heart pound and me move back

"Don't" dad said grabbing his wrist

"Did you notice that mark" dad looked down and saw the wings and number 8


"I-I didn't want to he made me he cuffed me and.. and... and" I said curling into a ball again.

"What did they do to you"

"my wings their gone... their gone, an-an-and he did this" I said pointing to my thigh, and then he would hurt me and" I had flash backs making me cry

"Did he rape you?" Uncle asked. I cried harder and nodded "im going to kill that son of a bitch"

"We don't even know who it is" patch dad said

"What about her wings their fucking gone" bird dad said

"I don't know I'll bring her to her room" patch dad picked me up and brought me to my room. I made a little nest in my blankets. And laid there feeling like I lost something. I did. The one thing that made me strong. That night I didn't sleep or any of the others.

Dabi POV
That little girl, the little frail girl that was my daughter, locked herself in her room and hasn't eaten, she refuses to talk, my child always found a reason to smile and laugh, she hasn't done those in almost a week and the same with eating. I'm scared, I'm scared my daughter is lost forever.

"All right thank you bye" he rubbed his face and I saw a tear go down his face

"What's wrong"

"Theyre not coming back" he said His voice was shaky and obviously saddens he wrapped his arms around me and I put my chin on his head

"could Eri help her"

"That's a good idea, but we don't know what happened in that time frame still"

"Well a dick head chopped our little girls wings off, branded her, beat the shit out of her, and raped her how many times we don't know"

"But what happened, like why did they do it to her"

"Dad?" We looked at the stairs and saw Eden our baby girl, our broken creation.

"Yes angel"

"Im hungry" I smiled and stared to cook some food right away. I dodged her out and gave her the plate "will I get my wings back?"

"Well..." Keigo said she nodded and looked down

"Is there another way I can get them back" she said with a tears going down her face

"What about if we can talk to Eri" she looked up

"Actually?" We both nodded "that would be amazing" she had an extremely sad smile that I was able to notice.

"Well get her back" Keigo said in my ear as he walked past me I smiled and nodded

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