Chapter 16

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Even though my home was under investigation I was going home. I grabbed two masks from a trolly and headed over

"Is this a good idea?"


"Great" he said sarcastically we got to my home and I put the mask on I walked around the place a bit and found that they wreck the house none of it was from them. Other wise there would be burn marks and dust everywhere I moved some broken glass and picked up part of a bottle of whisky my fathers favourite. I put it in my bag and continued to walk around.

"Who's kid could it be then?" Someone asked I pulled Jax to the wall as the person walked down the stairs

"I don't know, we'll figure it out soon enough" thank god they haven't figured it out I heard Jax sigh with me

"Don't worry to much about it" the voice of my dad said

"Hey guys wait, I found something!" My heart rate sped up

"It's probably nothing valuable"

"A blue feather" my heart dropped two times heavier like I was feeling my dads as well.

"Hawks Doesn't your daughter have blue feathers?"

"Well yea but that could still be anyone's"

"We are going to have to take you in for questioning along with your daughter"

"Wait are you serious that could be anyone's like a girl that does arts and crafts or something"

"Sorry lets go" I heard cuff click together and watched the walk by. My father looked at me and sighed and continued to walk. The second we were in the clear I booked it up the stairs and grabbed some stuff of mine.

"Nice room" I didn't answer I was busy going through my stuff and putting it in a duffel bag I grabbed. "What are you planning on doing?"

"Burning it"


"This is going to sound bad but my dad and I have the same colour fire so they would think it was him"

"You just going to set your dad up like that?"

"He would know why" I zipped up the bag and put it around my shoulder. And started to take my bedding off.

"What are you doing?"

"If they only found one feather there is more around here. And I would still have control over them" I found three other feathers and stood back up and looked at my childhood room. The room I grew up in. I let the feathers go up in flames and they hovered around me. I took a deep breath and shot them in different places of my room and walked out With jax as the room went up in flames. After we got away from the house/bar sirens passed us as I thought about all the memories and dreams I left in that room to burn

"You good"

"Gonna have to be" my phone started to ring making me answer quickly

"Hey listen, this is my only call, so bare with me,"


"Yes, ok I need you to burn the house ok, let them think it was me"

"I did dad, but I was to late. They found one of my feathers, they're taking me and dad is for questioning"

"Just keep to the story ok"

"Yea ok what if they figure it out?"

"If they do I don't know" a tear went down my face  "The others are at the downtown base"

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