Chapter 4: [First Murder and The Missing Servant]

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After a few hours of searching and searching for the cat throughout the town, the group finally caught Dahlia's cat.
The group returned to the house of Reinhold Manor, they opened the door and their surprise was Matthew, the butler, who was trembling like crazy and walking desperately all over the place.
Then Matthew notice the group and went to them trembling like crazy.

Matthew the butler: "Pr-Pr-Professor!
Ms-Ms. Blare! Oh, it's simply awful!
Come quickly, please!"

Ariel: "Matthew! What's wrong?
If you are worried about the cat, we've brought her back safe and sound."

Claudia (cat): "Meow!"

Matthew: "Oh, well, Madam will be very happy to hear that. But this is no time to worry about a cat! Just hurry upstairs!
Right this way, Please!"

Matthew ran up the stairs and entered the room where Lady Dahlia was while leaving the entire group in shock.
They looked at each other and ran up the stairs towards the room.
When there were doors, with the surprise of Ariel and the others, they saw the detective in this case, pInspector Chelmey.

Chelmey: "So, you're the famous Professor Layton, then?
The name's Chelmey, Inspector Chelmey.
I'm the Inspector in this case."

Professor Layton: "Well, I'd hardly call it a case. If this is about Claudia, we've brought her back safe and sound."

Lady Dahlia: "Oh, Claudia, my baby!
Mama missed you so much!"
-Grabs her cat while caress her-

Claudia (cat): "Meow!"

Chelmey: "What's this cat doing here? Why on earth would you bring an animal into a crime scene? Have some sense!"

Ariel: "AHEM!"

Chelmey: "Hm?"
-Looks at Ariel-
"Oh, Nice to see you here, Ms. Blare."

Ariel: "Hello, Inspector Chelmey.
First of all, If you want to know why we bring an animal in this case, is because we were out when this crime took place. And second, I'm taking this case too."

Chelmey: -Looks in shock-
"W-What?! You must be joking!
You can't take the ca—"

Ariel: -Cross your arms-
"I'm not kidding, inspector.
I don't care if you don't include me in your 'case.'"
-Laughs and walks towards Chelmey-
"But listen to this, inspector. I will take this case with you and you will like it or not. It is your only option. "

Chelmey: "...!"

Ariel: "Now, could you please tell us what happened here?"

Chelmey: "There's been a murder,
Ms. Blare. A man was killed here!"

Ariel: -Looks in shock-
"What? Who was murdered?"

Chelmey: "The victim was a resident of this address, one Simon Reinhold."

Ariel: "Simon was Reinhold's nephew, it's that correct?"

Chelmey: "Correct, Ms. Blare.
Approximately two hours ago, I received
a report that a man had collapsed at Reinhold Manor.
Upon arrival at the scene, it was apparently to me that Simon was already dead."

Ariel: "I see...and the cause of death?"

Chelmey: "I'm currently conducting an investigation to look into it.
I'll just let you know right now, Ms. Blare.
You might be a detective like me but I'm looking at you and your little group as a potential suspects as well.
The rest of the details concerning this investigation are classified."

Professor Layton: -Walks over to Ariel and Chelmey-
"Sorry for interrupting your conversation but speaking of the details, who placed the call to the authorities?"

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