Chapter 24: Weapons Like You

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Clem manoeuvred around the table trying to stay hidden and out of direct aim. Murphy law number 2. Incoming fire has the right of way. She looked around trying to find something that might be useful.

She reached under the table digging up the snow to find a rock. She only had one chance. But then again, that's all she needed.

She peaked through the bench trying to determine what else he was armed with. It didn't look like he had a ranged weapon. Clementine looked back at the knife that was prominently reflecting the moon. She chucked the rock at the Delta member scooping up a handful of snow as she rushed towards him.

The rock split open his forehead. When she was close enough she jumped forward tackling him to the ground. When he began to grunt she packed the snow in his mouth.

     She struggled to stay in control. This wasn't the battlefield. She couldn't do what she was trained to. There was no killing here.

     The man threw several blows to Clementine's rib cage causing her to gasp in pain.

    The cold air seemed to rid her of what was left of her breath. She punched him in the temple several times. Unfortunately he remained as brutal as a feral animal.

     "Where is Lily?" She questioned struggling to keep him pinned down. He spit the semi melted snow in her face. "You son of a bitch," Her patience was deteriorating like sand falling in an hour glass.

     She squeezed his wrists in their pressure points cause the man's arms to be neutralized and immobile. In response he grunted in pain then proceeded to kick her leg. Fortunately he kicked the new and improved one. The ting of metal rattled through his body. This gave her opportunity to arm herself with the knife she had grabbed before attacking.

     She gave a hard blow with her elbow slashing his forehead open. The elbow is one of the hardest bones in the body which means it's one of a person's most useful weapons. "I suggest you start talking,"

     The blood from his forehead was seeping into his eyes. "Go fuck yourself." With no hesitation Clementine drove the blade into his knee. His screams of agony almost felt nostalgic in a twisted sense.

As she began twisting the knife she leaned in to make eye contact. "I suggest you start talking," She repeated. Clem pushed the blade further into his knee cutting through his muscles and tendons. "Or I will make sure you never fucking walk again." The threat was not empty hearted. That much was obvious.

"N-north side." He stuttered. "She's on the north side." Once he finished she reached under his toque gripping his hair. Once she had ahold of it she thrusted his head down knocking him unconscious.

     She patted him down trying to find things she could make useful. She found a small pocket knife wedged in his boot. "Dammit." She spat. Her hope was to something that deal long range damage. In a perfect world melee would suffice; but it was far too obvious that this, was no perfect world.

Clem glanced over her shoulder. Ms Martin was cradled in her own arms still hiding behind the picnic table. Clem walked over kneeling beside her.

She jumped at the sight of the teen with blood spatters over her features. "Is he d-dead?" She asked.

Clementine shook her head. "He's going to wish he was." She replied nonchalantly. The thought of the phrase being cruel and gruesome didn't cross her mind until she noticed the nurse's trembling fingers. "I apologize. That was inconsiderate of me." Clem placed her hands on Ms Martins. "No, he is not dead."

Ms Martin glanced at the body then back at Clem. It amazed her that this was the work of Clem. "We need to get somewhere safe," She whispered. As she began gripping Clem's hands Clementine pulled away.

Clem pushed Ms Martin hands back to her. "No." She took a soft breath not wanting to cause a distraction. "I apologize for going against your orders but this is my fight. A fight that should have been finished a long time ago." She rose to her feet the clinking of her leg bouncing off the stone walls.

Ms Martin sat in defeat. "Please come back Clementine." She whispered into her ear.

Clem kneeled down making solid eye contact. "I will. And I'll bring everyone with me." Her warm words matched her softened eyes. Without looking back Clementine took off to the north side of the school.

From the footprints in the snow she could determine that there were going to be Delta members at every door making sure nothing came in or went out. She knew there would be blood she just had to choose what was worth bleeding for.

She was crouched behind a bush waiting for some soldiers to make a move. However they stayed put not breaking stance. They are like robots. She thought to herself. It was then that she realized she was exactly like them not too long ago. Something she always tried make sure AJ wasn't.

She felt around in the snow finding a rock. Before she had a chance to throw it as a distraction she heard the click of a barrel falling into place. "Nice to see you again, Clementine." That voice. It was familiar. She dropped the rock turning to face the head of the gun. Behind it stood the man with 2 different coloured eyes.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Screw you Able," She spat. She swatted the gun to the side quickly grabbing his wrist. She jerked his arm down gripping shoulder. He fired the gun causing Clem's ears to be stuck in a constant ring. In the motion of pulling him down she elbowed him in the neck.

Able grunted at the force. "Still as feisty as you were back then hey?" He spit threw his teeth. Due to Clementine's bed rest she had lost a significant amount of her muscle mass. Able jerked up forcing her off. Her back crashed against the frosty stone.

Looking up she saw the scarred face and aged face of one of her greatest enemies. "How did you find me here?" She asked. Clem didn't know if she wanted an answer or not.

His crooked teeth peered through his lips. "You underestimate us." Her gaze never shifted. "You had to of known this was coming." He slipped a blade across her throat. Just enough to draw blood. "Weapons like you don't get to walk away."

He was right. The naive part, the part that Louis had shown her, wanted to believe that she could live. Live a life of peace, maybe even happiness. But the world doesn't work like that. It doesn't cower down because you've had it rough. It will spit rocks and ground you into dust to remind you of what you are. And she was a weapon. A weapon of war. It was time she remembered.

"If you want a monster. I will give you a monster." She used her hips to rattle his balance. In a swift motion she sat up sinking her teeth into his carotid artery. The blood spewed from his body covering her in a thick mask. She witnessed the colour drain from his eyes. The shock never leaving his face of what had just happened.

She stood up, watching the blood pool around him. He tried to say something, but the blood had began to suffocate him. "I am a killer. You should have known this was coming." With that she stripped him of his guns and knives. "You will rue the day you decided to hurt those I love."

Apologies for the wait my lovely readers. Thank you all so much for the kindness you have shown me over the past few years of this book. I read and see every one of your comments. It makes me so happy to see you all still reading and enjoying my work.

I've found my motivation for the time being and will try and get more chapters out. Once this story is finished I will be editing the earlier chapters. So if you see a bunch of updates you know why hehe.

Have a wonderful day, and thank you for sticking with me♥️

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