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Da isarsu gidan motar ko karasa tsayawa batayi ba tafice tamkar wacce ake tunkuda. Bata tsaya ba saida takai daki Jin shigowar Moha yasata juyowa da niyyar magana amma saiyayi saurin sa farchensa ya danne Mata lips.

Shhhhh don't say anything just calm down you need to regain your strength nurse your health back to normal before you start these things. Hararar sa tayi tace but you weren't saying that earlier.

Murmushi yayi yace that is different and this is different they are two different things should I show you the difference? Yafada yana dage girarsa. Turashi tayi tace ruwanka nina tafi parlor am sure they are back we should watch a movie.

Alright let's have burgers for early lunch one of you gentlemen should order for us. Har Seo ya dauka telephone din zaiyi ordering moha yace come on mah why don't we help you make some homemade burgers.

Girgiza kanta tayi tace am not in the mood to make a homemade burger you know better than anyone what happenes when I cook something I am not in the mood to cook. How about I make you something special what do you say guys.

Yes moha yace yaran ma suka amsa da yes. Kallan moha tayi tace you can't eat what am about to cook chanja fuska yayi yace why? Tace because your old you need to watch what you eat. Dariya yaran suka fara kamar su kife.

Shigewa kitchen din tayi tafara preparing abinda zata dafa in less than ten minutes Tahal ya shigo kitchen din. Tayata aikin ya farayi Saida suka kusan gamawa sannan yace what's it Tahal? Something's bothering you.

Dafa kafadarsa datayi yasashi juyowa ya kalleta tace you know you can trust me right? Yes mah but ba komai baya nake tinawa. If it hadn't been for my ear problem that wouldn't have happened.

Smacking kansa tayi tace if it was to happen ten times again I would still do the same. Either it was you or one of your siblings. Abincin suka dauka suka kai parlor inda moha da sauran yaran ke zaune

This fur is white be careful when you are eating! Make sure not to leave any stains on it

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This fur is white be careful when you are eating! Make sure not to leave any stains on it. Now Soo you and talha will have this I heard you were dieting.

 Now Soo you and talha will have this I heard you were dieting

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Mom I can't have this am trying to control the fat I take. Kallansa tayi tace I don't want your stupid answer as long as am alive none on my kids will go on a diet now Ina San Inga plate empty.

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