♡ Chapter 7 《 a parents approval 》♡

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{ idk why I choose this song, but I thought it was cute }

Ruby woke up and her little sister Layla was right there waiting

"Jane told me you have a boyfriend." Layla said

"Ugh! Why did she?" Ruby raged

"To get back at you for inviting Charlie to sit with you guys at lunch." Layla giggled

Ruby sighed "Did you eat breakfast yet?" She asked

"Mom left to get food this morning, she wants you to make me something." Layla responded

"Oh wow, okay I need to practice my wife skills before I'm courted with Moo-" she cut herself off as Susie instantly looked up at her

"Your getting married!?" Layla said

"No! Don't say that, father is still here!" Ruby spoke to soon

"Girls, what's going on?" Mr Gillis asked

"Father- I uh..." Ruby stuttered

"Ruby is in love!" Layla laughed

Ruby turned red

"Well, who do 'love'?" Mr Gillis asked crossing his arms

"Her and Moody are gonna get married." Layla laughed

"Layla! Don't say such things!" Ruby snapped

"Moody Spurgeon? He is acceptable, I don't mind him and you getting courted." Mr Gillis said

"Wait- You approve? THANK YOU FATHER!" Ruby hugged her father

"No problom, who ever will take care of you and loves you is okay with me.." Mr Gillis said

When Ruby got dressed and ready for the day she went to the green gables to visit Anne and Diana

"Guess what! My father approved of Moody and will invite him for dinner tonight!" (I skipped that part, sorry!) Ruby said with excitement

"Oh Ruby! So this means..." Diana had to think "You and Moody are actually going to marry?"

"Yes!" Ruby said without thinking

"I'm so happy for you! Remember when you had a crush on Gilbert?" Anne mentioned

"Yeah, but I'm with Moody now. I dont want to think about Gilbert!" Ruby said

"How did you even fall in love with Moody?" Diana asked

"Well.. his charming personality, his music, and the list goes on.." Ruby blushed

When it was dinner at the Gillis house, Ruby put on her best dress she could find to impress Moody

*knock, knock* "I'll get it!" Ruby ran to the door "Moody!" She hugged him

"Hello Ruby, I brought you more flowers this time!" Moody held out 15 pink rose's

"Oh Moody you didn't have to!" She kissed his cheek

"Hello Mr Spurgeon, welcome to are wonderful home." Mrs Gillis greeted Moody

"Thank you for inviting me, it is a pleasure." He winked at Ruby

Ruby blushed and went over to hold Moodys hand "Shall we prepare dinner mother?"

"Yes we shall, Moody you can chat with my husband." Mrs Gillis pointed to the living room

"Thank you Mrs Gillis!" Moody walked into the room and saw Mr Gillis

"Come sit down boy, I want to ask you a few questions..." Mr Gillis greeted Moody

"Okay.." Moody sat down

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" Mr Gillis asked

"Just to make your daughter happy sir, nothing bad." Moody responded

"Okay. Do you really love her?" Mr Gillis asked

"Of course I do, she loves me back at least.." Moody said

"Very well, let's eat shall we. You can sit next to Ruby, usually her sister
Layla would, but you shall." Mr Gillis lead Moody into the dining room

Ruby was putting out food with her mother and saw Moody and smiled "I pretty sure your hungry." Ruby said to Moody

"This looks wonderful! And yes I am hungry." Moody said

Once everyone started to eat out of the blue Mr Gillis asked

"Do you want to marry my daughter? If you do I give you my blessing, me and my wife both approve of you." Mr Gillis said

"Yes, I wish to marry your daughter in the future." Moody held Ruby's hand

Ruby blushed "Thank you father! This is my wish come true, once I fell in love with Moody I knew you would approve of him!" Ruby held Moodys hand tightly

"Kiss her if you love her!" Layla said to Moody

"Layla! Not at the table!" Mrs Gillis snapped at Layla

"Alright!" Ruby kissed Moody on lips

"Told you she loves me.." Moody smiled at Ruby

"I can see that, well I'll clean the table you two love birds can go in the living room, Layla help me." Mrs Gillis said

Moody helped Ruby up out if her seat and they went to the living room

"I'll start a fire in the fireplace, it's getting chilly in here." Mr Gillis said

"Thank you father." Ruby and Moody sat if the sofa and Ruby leaned on Moodys shoulder

Moody put his arm around her "My beautiful girlfriend, how did I get so lucky with you.." he blushed

"I dont know, maybe because you love me and I love you." She kissed his cheek

Mr Gillis looked over at them and smiled *I'm happy she is happy* he thought

♡A Forever Romance♡ | ♤ Love Matters ♤《A Moody × Ruby Story》Where stories live. Discover now