♤ Chapter 2《 A little Surprise 》♤

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Ruby woke up next to Moody in his bed, she got up and dressed up and fixed up her hair. "This ring is so beautiful..." she looked down at the engagement ring

Moody woke up realizing Ruby wasn't next to him "Good morning. Did you enjoy last night?" Moody sat up

"Fantastic.. It was fantastic." Ruby looked over at him and smiled

Moody got out of bed and looked for a shirt to wear "I need to get ready to leave soon, me and the guys are building that new house up on the hill near town."

"Well can you eat first? I don't want you going hungry." Ruby walked over you him and brushed off his shoulder's

"I didn't say I wasn't going to eat, what are you planning on making?" He asked

"Maybe some eggs and bacon. How does that sound?" She kissed his cheek

"Sounds great honey." He kissed her back

Once they got ready for the day, Ruby made Moody breakfast

"Okay I'm heading out, love you." Moody grabbed his hat and coat

"Don't leave yet!" Ruby rushed over and kissed him "Okay now you can go."

Moody smiled and left out the door

"Now I need to go to Janes..." Ruby cleaned up the kitchen, then got her coat and hat and left

《 At the Andrew's Residence 》

Ruby, Jane, Diana, Tillie, Josie, and Anne all were in the living room talking about life and stuff

"Anyone want a drink?" Jane asked

"Sure I'll-" Ruby stopped and rushed to the sink and threw up

"Ruby are you okay?" Diana ran over to Ruby with Tillie, Jane, Anne, and Josie following

"Food poisoning?" Tillie asked

"I'll get you some water, have her lay down on the sofa." Jane rushed over to get Ruby water

"Thank you girls.. I'll have to tell Moody when he gets home.." Ruby went to lay on the sofa

Jane brought Ruby water "Do you want me to make you some soup?"

"Sure.." Ruby sighed

All the girls helped Ruby feel better, but then Josie thought for a second then asked

"Did you do anything last night with Moody? Anything sexual? { I had to }"

Ruby blushed *Do I need to tell them..* she thought "Me and Moody did have sexual interactions together..."

All the girls laughed, but then stopped

"What if your pregnant?" Tillie asked

Ruby sat up in shock "What if I am!" She panicked

The girls helped Ruby calm down

♡A Forever Romance♡ | ♤ Love Matters ♤《A Moody × Ruby Story》Where stories live. Discover now