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When Jeeva said nothing to show his displeasure, Kathir assumed that he was ok with the arrangement...

He was a little hurt..he wished his brother had been honest with him...

But then a thought struck him..his brother might have agreed like how you agree to an arranged love..but an acceptance to start on a journey of togetherness that you hope is destined for Love...

Whatever the case he resolved that he would not say anything negative...

He had seen Mullai at home with her athai...she had actually given her a towel bath and helped her change into a fresh saree...He had seen his anni do the same when she was probably around the same age and even then he had known that it was a big he was happy that his next brother was also engaged to a girl who was nice to his mom..

Even the extreme affection and respect he had for Dhanam was on seeing how she took care of her mom-in-law...never a complaint..he recognised the big heartedness behind that selfless act...seeing the same in Mullai warmed his heart..He started to accept that this might not be a bad thing after all..It was not because it was his mom...more the kindness it demonstrated...

He once had the oppurtunity to see her in the shop..he had first hand witnessed her smarts..her ability to multitask...her sweet friendly the smile never left her face..

He was constantly seeing new facets of her personality and that was letting him be more and more at peace with the impending wedding...

First week of November 2018

The bombshell was dropped...

Jeeva was in love with Meena..

Jeeva had stopped talking to Meena once he got to know about the decision taken by his family about the most important aspect of his life without consulting him...he was too shocked to even react..

He spoke to no one....

Everyone noticed this change in him..

But Meena and Mullai were the most impacted by it...

Meena coudn't understand this sudden silence...while Mullai was tired of trying to break the ice with her fiance..

Before when Jeeva had been distant with her she attributed it to fear that nothing will come of this...his mom would never agree..but after the green signal from the elders his silence was a little too deafening...

One night having had enough, she kept calling his number..Jeeva had just had a very difficult conversation with Meena who had been calling him all day..thinking it was Meena again..he answered the call

Mullai : Hello..Jeeva Maamaa va...

Jeeva : Yaaru..

Mullai : Naan Mullai pesaren...

Jeeva : ahn Mullai ...naan busy ah iruken..appuram kooppadren..

Before she could say anything...he had cut the call...

At this time of the night if a girl were to call him and he had to ask who...who else other than her? was the first question that came to her mind..

The other thing was however busy one was ...that was not the way one would abruptly cut the call...all her feminine instincts screamed at her to dig into this...

She shared her concern with her dad...but he had shrugged it off giving ordinary excuses..he might be busy he had said...tired maybe

Jeeva had claimed to be busy as well..

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