Part 1

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Damp streets chill in the air as rain just stopped. She was on the way to returning home. It was a typical Friday and tomorrow she didn't need to go to her work. As usual in the way, she saw people around the area. Dogs were barking, the old grandma was walking with her grandchild, couples were walking, children were playing, and so on.

She reached her room, threw her bag, and lay down in bed.   After a time, she fell asleep like that. When she opened the eyes it was already midnight. She changed her dress in comfy clothes. After that, she made a strong coffee for herself.  Grabbing a coffee in a hand she turned on the TV. She would change channels one by one until one she likes to watch.  After watching TV for a while she went outside the balcony.

It was dark,  everyone's lights were off,  and dogs were barking and all of sudden a sound came 'boom'. There was a 'p-------' sound near her ear,  she closed her eyes.  And then when she opened her eyes she saw a light because of that light she couldn't open her eyes. She turned back to return.  But when she turned back there was nothing but black. Thinking about it and opened her eyes but it was still black. In fear, she closed her eyes and screamed.

People knocked at her door. She opened her eyes and it was already morning and everything was normal. People were still knocking at her door. She thought people were there because of her scream. She opened the door and said sorry. But people said, "Why are you apologizing?" She was perplexed."Didn't you all came here because I made noise?" They just replied that they were there to deliver the parcel that was for her. She thanked them and took the parcel and went inside.

She went and thought about who send it to her. In the parcel, there wasn't any name either address. After a while, she opened the parcel. And there was a ring and a chain with a letter. In the letter, it was written,

"Don't be afraid tonight !"

Then she threw the box away.

She thought it was a prank. She went out to buy some groceries. When she returned she saw a box at her door. She looked here and there. Thinking it was also another prank she threw that box away and went in. After a while, again somebody rang the bell. She came out and saw there was no one but again there was a box. She said in loud voice"Who are you and what are you trying to do?" and went in.

Even though she said those words she started to fear people. So she tried to call her family and friends. But no one picked her call.

This time to know who that person she decided to stake out. As she thought, after some time a guy came and put the box in front of her door. She took a pan and opened the door in hurry. She grabbed that person's hand and said

"Who are you?"

To be continued......

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