Part 4

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"Wait. He is that person who called me."

Now she thought nothing was fine at all. Everything was a mess inside her head. She couldn't think anything except that person. She went inside her room.  Unknown to this situation she decided to go back to her hometown.  She thought she needed her family to be with her.

The next morning she went to the bus station and booked herself a ticket to her hometown.

She checked her ticket.  She thought it was kind of weird.

'Time-8:00 a.m (Tomorrow)'


She went home and called her parents to inform them but it was unavailable. She thought she will call later and went to her work to ask for leave. She returned home in the evening and packed her bag.  And went to sleep after completing her household work.

The next day she woke early and got dressed up to leave. She went to the bus station and searched for the bus number then she got on. Inside the bus, an old lady came and sat beside her. There was silence until the lady spoke, "Going back home?" She just replied yes.  The bus started and was on its way. Again the lady asked her, "Do you think we can reach?" With a smile, she replied,  "We will."

In the middle of the way the bus stopped. The driver said,  "We will rest here for 15 minutes after that we will move "She came out from the bus and saw someone similar to her friend. She went towards that person and called her but that person didn't hear and was moving forward.  The nearer she reached, the more that person was fading. She started to call her loud but no one there. When she looked around the place, it was unfamiliar.

She couldn't find her way back to the bus. She was lost.  She decided to walk straight.  She kept walking in the hope of seeing a person. But as she kept walking it felt like she was in a maze. She saw a person. She started to run towards that person. When she was about to call that person a light stroke felt in her eyes.

When she opened her eyes she saw the same person she saw in her room. Before she would say something that person said,

"You came faster than I thought. Now that you have come to me. Let's talk later cause I'm busy."

He left. She looked around her, she doesn't know how she came into that room. However, it was beautiful. There was a fragment flower in a vase which was her favorite. There were some pictures on the wall. And some of them were of Her. Picture of her was most in the road from where she used to go and come from her work."What's going on?" she thought to herself.

While she was looking at the room, someone came and knocked on the door. She opened the door and there was a girl. That girl was holding a board written,                                                                            

"Follow me."

To be continued.........

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