Part 3

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"I am not your brother."

She tried to call back that number but it was unreachable. She started to search around the room if anything was different. Her room was normal nothing changed.  Only a box is in front of her. She started to look around the box if there is any number, address, or from this box came from. But there wasn't any.

To know who was in her room before, she went office. She asked to check CCTV camera footage. She saw no oncoming towards her room. She even checked yesterday's footage of what happened when she met the person who left the box. But it wasn't there.

It only showed that she was behaving like some mentally ill person. The security officer strangely looked at her.  She looked at him and said"Really yesterday there was someone and I talked with that person.  Seriously I am not lying."

She came back to her room. She saw herself in front of the mirror. She said to herself that if it wasn't in camera then she must be in illusion.  The next day went to work but her mind was lost. She couldn't focus on her work.  Then she remembered about the locket and ring.

After work immediately went to her house. She searched her room.  Then she remembered where she kept it, opened the drawer and saw there was a ring and locket.  Now she thought she was going crazy. She thought for some time and decided to see a doctor.  If something was wrong with her,  was it her illusion or reality? She took an appointment and went to see a doctor.  The doctor said she was completely fine and was just stressing.

After that, she went outside and consoled herself"Everything is fine. I am perfectly okay. Everything gaslight I just need some time and sleep." Then again she thought of locket and ring. She remembered she kept it inside her pocket. But when she checked it, it wasn't in her pocket. She thought it fell or she lost it.  To assure it was a dream or not she searched on the way. She murmured to herself that it was in her dream and how could it exist in the real world. She remembered what the doctor said. She smiled weakly and said she was fine.

At night when she was sleeping, someone rang the bell of the door. At first, she ignored it but then someone was knocking on the door as that person was going to knock it off. She opened her eyes annoyingly and went to open the door. And this time she saw a man facing the opposite. She asked him, "Who are you?"The man spoke, "Are you curious? But don't worry you will know about me very soon when the time comes."Then he left.

But she was lost in her thought that this isn't the voice of that person she met before.

"Wait. He is that person who called me."

To be continued...........

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