Part 8

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"What was all this indicating?"

She fell asleep thinking things happening to her. Next morning when she woke up. It was strange, that guy from yesterday wasn't around. It got her scare. One by one all events were on her mind. There wasn't anyone she could ask for help. In the fear, she didn't get out of her room. She coped herself in her bed. She looked around. She took her phone to call but she again thought what if they don't believe her. She gave thought to this very much. In the end, she decided to go to the police no matter what.

She got out of her room and walk straight to the police station. People on the way were looking at her strangely. After a while, she reached the police station. In front of the police station, she was worrying if she should get in or not. She took a big sigh and went in. It was a heavy vibe inside. She was nervous. And a police officer came near her and asked her," Is there any problem." At first, she hesitates and she replied," Actually..............  I don't know who is he but......." She told all events happening to her.

Officer laughed at her. She pleaded," Please Help me." And she cried. Officer decided to help her and went to her house together. They reached her house. She tried to open the door with keys but it was already unlocked. "Huh I had locked the door but how could it?" She talked to herself. She trembled and hide behind the officer. She said, " He must be there." Her voice was shaking. Officer went in first and she followed him from behind.AA guy was standing someone with He turned around and said, "Huh officer how did you come in?" He saw her. He came near to her, she took her steps back. Officer asked him, " Who are you?" He replied officer," Officer I am her husband. Today I was out to get groceries when I came back she was not there. So I was about to call you guys." Officer looked around he saw all pictures of her and that guy together and thinking about things she said before, he left.

Guy pulled and hugged her. She pushed him and shouted at him, " Who the hell are you? Why are you doing this to me?" Guy caught her hand and said in an aer voice," Please _ _ _ _ _ Comeback. Please....... " His hand were cold. He sounded really sad. She was exhausted she closed her eyes. She felt like she knew him for a long time when he said those words to her. Suddenly there was silence.

She opened her eyes. She looked around there were patients in every room. She was walking through corridors some nurses were by her side. Her hands were cuffed. It wasn't her room and that guy wasn't there She asked them, " What is this all?" But nobody replied to her. She tried to jerk off her hands and run away She was caught by nurses. They caught her hand tightly and tie to the patient's bed. She screamed," Help Who are you guys? Where is he? Ah......."

She was chained to the bed. She was screaming a lot. And a doctor came and inject her. The doctorates Juin, Rest for now." Juin...Join this name............
She remembered something. Things were back and forth in her mind. She fell asleep.


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