Part 2

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"Who are you?"

She asked him but the latter didn't bother to reply. She got angry and asked him again, "Who are you and what do you mean by those words?"Again no answer. She lost her temper and asked again, "What the hell do you want from me?" He smirked and this time he replied, "You will know about it soon. But if you don't keep the things inside the box then you'll regret it." Then, he took out the box and kept it in her hand but as she was shivering the box fell.

She looked down at the box and when she looked up the person wasn't there. It was he vanished in thin air. She didn't know what should she do. She fought with herself if she should pick the box or should she leave it there. After some time she took the box and opened it. There was the same chain and ring which she saw before. She took those things and kept them inside the drawer. And went outside.

She went to her friend's house. But when she reached there the door was locked. She assumed her friend wasn't at home. She thought of calling her friend but the phone was off. She didn't know if she shall wait or go home. In the end, she decided to return home. When she returned home she was still awake and scared, thinking something might happen. In the fear, she didn't sleep the whole night but it was good that nothing happened. She thought that whatever happened to her was a dream.

The next day, She went to work. After the work when she was returning home there was some change. Although it wasn't something big something was changed. On the way, there wasn't the noise as it used to be before. There were fewer people around. When she reached her room there was another box again inside. At first, she was taken back. She thought about how could the box was inside. She wondering at that time and a call came.

It was from an unknown. At first, she hesitated but after when the call came continuously she picked up. The caller said he was her brother and changed his number and was at her apartment because he had an appointment with a doctor as he was sick. He told her that he sent a box she asked for and used the spare key. Thinking it was from her brother she opened the box. But what inside the box made her confused. There was a letter and she opened it.

"Hi, I am not your brother."

To be continued.......

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