Chapter 1 ~ The Interview

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You sat in your uncle Tarkin's office twiddling your thumbs, sitting beside you was your uncle tapping away on a data pad, 'the Director is late' your uncle remarked, putting the data pad down and crossing his arms.

There was a nock on the door and it opened, reveling director Krennic, he was tall with greying hair and bright  blue eyes which immediately fell on you, then switched to Tarkin.

'you wanted to see me?' he mutters,'yes, this is (y/n), she has just Finnished training. She was the top of her class, I would like for you to take her as an assistant, as you are in need of one'. Krennic stared at Tarkin, then at me and replied, obviously angry 'I do not need an assistant, I am working fine on my own'. 'you are taking an assistant, director' Tarkin snapped 'because of what happened last time'. Krennic didn't say a word but looked at you, 'fine, you will start tommorow at 0800. Don't be late' and at that he left the room, leaving as quick as he came in.

'Well, what do you think of him?' Tarkin asked you, crossing his arms again and looking at you. 'he seems stressed' you reply, not wanting to offend Krennic. Your uncle nodded and said 'go and get ready for tommorow', making a gesture with his hand. You stand and leave the room, walking to your dorm which you shared with a storm trooper and two radar technicians.

Sitting on your bed you desided to get an early night, tommorow you guessed was going to be eventful.

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